I did get sober twice in the years I drank. The first time sobriety lasted for about a year and the second time I tried to stay sober lasted only two years until I went back to my old ways of drinking and abusing alcohol.
The reason for these two failures of trying to stay sober was that I simply wasn't ready to stop drinking and live a life with long term sobriety, BUT I never gave up hope on myself. I knew sooner or later I would finally admit that something had to be done with my life and live with long term sobriety.
You can never lose hope on a life of sobriety. The road to recovery is tough when you have an addiction to alcohol or any drugs for that matter, but if you continue to keep hope alive you will achieve that life you wished for.
If you truly want to change your life, and know that you indeed need to change your life, than anything is possible in life, and that includes long term sobriety.
Like I said earlier, it took me three times to get and stay sober, but I never gave up hope that one day I would finally surrender to the one thing that was running and ruining my life, and that was my addiction to alcohol. The third time was the charm for me and I thank God each and everyday for giving me the hope, the willingness and the strength to get sober and stay sober.
You truly need to love and believe in yourself in order to have a wonderful life of sobriety. You also need to get out of that negative mood you are in because of your addiction. For myself, I was a very negative person and always wondered why nothing would ever work out the way I wanted it to. Once I became sober and changed my attitude in life to nothing but positive, everything I wanted and dreamed of started to become a reality for me.
As hard as it was to finally make that life change and become sober, it was worth every bit of hard work, and my life shows it now. I am a much happier person. I continue to keep a positive attitude even when times are tough, and I never once reached for an alcoholic drink just because things were a little rough.
If you never give up hope, your life will indeed change as mine did. Sometimes it may take longer than you wanted it to take, but if you continue to try your very hardest to change your life, it will happen. Like I said before, it took three tries before I nailed sobriety and got rid of the demons that were in my life for so many years. Three is a charm so they say!
So my advice to all those that are suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol is to NEVER give up hope on yourself. Your life is so precious, and all of us were put on this Earth for a reason. All of us should enjoy the life we were given and not destroy your one and only life with an addiction.
Lets everyone try our very hardest to make that change, and take Massive Action in order to make that change. Some of us may have to stay distant from our friends that we drank with in order to keep that temptation and urge to drink again from coming over us. As for myself, I did just that, and in the long run I lost many friends because now we had nothing in common such as drinking and getting drunk with each other.
It seemed like they all ran away because my life was now much different than their life was. I was sober and they still had their demons running their lives. I never preached to them about sobriety, although they saw that I was a new man because of my sobriety. My hope is for one day they see the light as I did back in 2009.
- Even though I had lost many friends because of my sobriety, I gained many new sober friends in the end. Great sober friends are really awesome. To be able to speak a conversation with out blurring your words, and to not get in any drunken fights because the alcohol is altering your thinking and acting is a wonderful thing.
- Back when I drank and abused alcohol my relationship with my wife and children started to decline, although we still loved each other very much, it still wasn't the same when I drank. Today, now being sober the relationship with my wife and children are unbelievable. It is so amazing how being sober and happy can change so many lives that are in your life. People now are excited to be in my company and I get along with each and everyone of them. No one wants to be around a drunk person unless that person is also drunk. Misery loves company so they say, and believe me I was very miserable when I drank.
- When I had a couple of drinks there were many people that stood and talked to me at parties or other occasions, BUT after those couple of drinks as I continue on my way to getting drunk I started to feel the effects of the alcohol and then people would shy away from me because they knew what the future hours would bring as far as my continuing to drink. Now being sober I still go to those parties and occasions, but without a drink in my hand and still have those conversations that last the complete night without anyone walking away because of me getting too drunk. Sober conversations are always the best believe me.
- I truly believe, and I hope that I am a service to many people that read my articles here on my blog and on so many other websites. I write just about everyday regarding alcohol addiction and ways that I have found that helped me get and stay sober since October of 2009. Writing has been my life since 2009 when I got sober. Each article I write gives me more hope knowing that maybe one of these articles will touch someones life and will help them to understand that having an addiction of any sort is not the end of their life. Never give up hope on your new life. All of you that have an addiction have the chance to make that life change. The only thing you have to do is to want your life back no matter what it takes to get it back.
- Writing about my alcohol addiction experience indeed helps me to stay sober each day. Some may wonder how writing keeps me sober and my answer is... as I write, I think about the way my life was years ago when I abused alcohol, and then I think as I write, how many people I maybe helping that have been suffering with their addiction as I was for so many years. It brings me great joy and happiness to know I may help someone in the world, even if it is only one person.
I pray for all those that are suffering with an addiction, and hope everyone can get clean and sober and live that one and only life they have with happiness, contentment, love and sobriety.