Sunday, January 24, 2010

How To Go Sober With Mind Over Matter

Three months ago, I faced the biggest  challenge of my life, "To Go Sober". I made my mind up, that I have had enough of the alcohol abuse, and the pain that I caused to myself and family.This was a huge decision I had to make, and I had better make it quick before everything totally falls to pieces. 

My first thought was that I have to get a game plan, on how I  was going to tackle this long journey to sobriety. With a lot of thinking ,things started to come to me quite easy, do to the fact that I started with a "positive attitude" and I truly wanted to be sober this time, because the last time I tried, I did not do to well and fell off the wagon for one reason or another.  I really didn't have my whole heart into it the first time.  I was young and just wanted to party with my friends. As years went by, and I got older, I started to see how alcohol was affecting me and my life. It was a big wake up call, all I had to do is to look in the mirror and it said it all. No one had to say anything to me, it said it all right in the mirror. As we all know, mirrors and pictures don't lie.

This was the start for me to first change what I saw in the mirror and to change my life and my addicting habits.I said, I"m going to try this on my own and just bite the bullet and go Cold Turkey. I knew that it may cause some complication, but I prayed a lot for this not to happen, and believe it or not, I didn't have one problem at all. God gave me the will power and the strength to get through that hurdle. I truly believe that anyone can conquer anything if you just put your mind to it and keep a "positive attitude" in what you are trying to do. You have to be Strong and Want It Bad , and it will happen for you.

The first two or three days I had thoughts of the drink, but I prepared my mind for this situation in the beginning, because I knew it was going to be hard in the very beginning for me.  We are all stronger than we think, as far as the mind goes.  We can add habits into our brain, some good, and then, those bad habits.  But if we can add them into our brain then we can also erase them just as fast, if you have the will power and the strength to not let the demons take over your body and mind again. God gave us a great gift, the Gift of Life, and I am going to enjoy that gift. It's never to late to change, I did, and I'm loving every minute of it.

It makes you feel good when you know that you have complete control of your body and mind, and to know that no nasty habit can control you any more. I just keep thinking positive and think of all the dreams I have, that I could not accomplish while being controlled by the addiction I had.

Think of what you really want in life, and if you stand strong to yourself you can achieve what ever you want.
I know, I"m on my way to the Dreams I once had, and hopefully be able to help someone that's trying to Go Sober like I did. You will never be sorry you did!
Celebrate...    "The Clean Life"  that is waiting for you!

The trick to this is very simple, Prepare Your Mind, and Go Sober With Mind Over Matter.



  1. Mind over Matter, loved reading that! I'm right at that point where I need to have things in order so I'm prepared not to drink. It's been eight days and I'm finally feeling pretty good after a hard detox on my own. This is the time, however, when I will be invited for a drink and think I'll be ok! As I've learned over and over that doesn't work. I want to be able to look in the mirror and be happy. I also have a wonderful little 13 year old daughter who has seen to much. Thanks for the great ideas, KP

    1. KP. CONGRATS on you sobriety. I remember when I began my new life and decided to get sober. The first 2 weeks or so were tough, but as each day passed I felt better about myself and told myself I have just made it another day sober. It is something to be very proud of and you should be so proud. Believe me, all the feelings you have about having no alcohol will get easier everyday and sooner or later you will forget all about alcohol as I did. I go to bars with friends and family functions with booze all around me and it doesn't bother me one bit. I feel comfortable in my body now as you will do the same. Keep up the great work and Life is Great living it sober !!!!!!

  2. I need to do this as it has been bothering me for years. I tried before and failed. How do I get started ? IS there a process to follow?

    1. Thank you for reading and the way I did this was first, you need to want sobriety back into your life and will do anything to achieve it. Secondly, you MUST start of with a Positive attitude continuing telling yourself that you can and will beat this addiction. You have to be so much more powerful than the demons that have been running your life. You need to respect and love youself enough to stop drinking forever. Beleive me it was the best thing in the world of could of done. My family life is now awesome and the dreams I had that could not accomplish when drinking are all coming true now since I stopped drinking. I did it and so can you with the right attitude from the very beginning.
      All the best to you!!

  3. Hi Mark,
    Thanks for your answer. I really need to do this and reases everything.

    1. Anonymous- You are very welcome who ever you are .I wish you all the best in everything you set out to do in your life. If you stay positive and believe in yourself you will conquer and achieve anything you wish.

      All the best to you!!

  4. the money, 2 accidents (but no duii!), drink every day after work. no longer exercise, poor sleep, no longer eat right. fat but thin as ever (skinny/fat a nasty combo), drink alone and tomorrow it will be different!!


Thank you for reading and I hope these articles help you in your quest to live a clean and sober life.