Friday, January 30, 2015
Are You Proud Of Your Sobriety Date?
For anyone that has been addicted to drugs or alcohol for a good part of their lives, sobriety seems like it would never be in their future, but I am here to tell you, anyone can get and stay sober if you want to change your life as I did over 5 years ago.
When the person with an addiction decides they want out of this horrible addiction they have the question comes to mind, "will I be able to live a life without alcohol or drugs?"
That was the very question I asked myself 5 years ago when I stopped drinking alcohol. It sure was hard. When a person has had drugs or alcohol in their life for so long and depend on it throughout their everyday life, it is very hard to just say goodbye, in fact it is a scary thought. At least it was for me.
The happiest and most scariest day for me was the day I decided to surrender to the demons that have ran my life and other lives for so long. I finally got out of the denial I lived in for so long thinking, "I don't have an addiction and anyone that thinks I do are totally nuts." I just like my alcohol. Dead wrong statement for sure! I was addicted, and like I said, when I finally admitted it I was on my way to recovery and a sober life.
For all the alcoholics and drug addicts out there that have got sober the question is, "Are you proud of your sobriety date?" I know I am and can't wait till that date comes around each year.
October 27th 2009 is my sobriety date. The time flew by and I still can not believe I have been clean and sober for 5 + years. granted in the beginning it was a tough ride wondering to myself, "will I be able to do this life change?"
I stayed positive and kept telling myself. "I will not let my demons run or ruin my life for one more second."
Be proud of your sobriety date as I am. Brag to all that told you that you were an alcoholic or drug addict. Show them it is possible for anyone with an addiction to change their life around.
Now 5 years later I write each and every night on many different websites trying to get the word out to people that are struggling with an addiction, that there is always hope for all involved. So make up your mind to change your life and just do it. You will be surprised of just how strong you really are, when in fact you thought you were doomed for life with your addiction.
addicted to alcohol,
sobriety date,
stop drinking alcohol
New Jersey Shore
Long Beach Island, New Jersey, USA
Thursday, January 29, 2015
How An Alcoholic Can Make A New Life For Themselves
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When you are an alcoholic you feel inside that this will be your life forever, but that is not true whatsoever.
Anyone can change their life if you truly have the desire to make that change, and if change is not in you vocabulary then I guess being an alcoholic is what you will be forever. It's up to you, and you only!
It is up to each and everyone of us alcoholics to make a difference, not only for ourselves, but all those that love and care for us. They too want us to have a healthy and happy life which in turn makes the family healthy and happy as well.
"How an alcoholic can make a new life for themselves" is very easy if you have the willingness and the strong desire to change.
Honestly, I don't know any alcoholic that wants to stay an alcoholic for the rest of their lives. The problem is that they (including myself) are trapped in this horrible addiction and think there is no way out, but there is a way out and that is to make up your mind once and for all that you need and want to be clean and sober.
Get out of the denial you have lived in for many years and face the fact that your life is going down hill very fast, and sooner or later you will indeed hit that rock bottom, sad to say, but very true.
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Ever heard of alcoholics that hate to drink alone? It is a truly lonely experience, because I know, I drank alone many many times all because some of the people that I did drink with stopped drinking.
Come on guys and gals, lets stop fooling ourselves, because you know as well as I do that continuing to drink and abusing alcohol the way we do, our lives are being cut so short just because we are so stupid. Saving your life is easy my friends. All we have to do is STOP DRINKING AND ABUSING ALCOHOL!
I did it over 5 years ago and I know for a fact you can do it as well. Put your mind to it and think nothing but positive thoughts, telling yourself, "you can and will beat this addiction to alcohol!"
drinking alcohol,
healthy and happy,
new life
New Jersey Shore
Long Beach Island, New Jersey, USA
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Are You Going Crazy Without Alcohol In Your Life?
This is a question for those that have had an addiction to alcohol and have then found sobriety. "Are you going crazy without alcohol in your life?"
I know as far as my life with my own addiction to alcohol, it was indeed very hard to make that decision to stop drinking alcohol forever.
When you have had alcohol in your life for so many years and it become a huge part of your life it is so hard to just say goodbye, I have had enough of this torture
I have to admit in the beginning of my journey to living a life of sobriety it was hard and I was truly going crazy, because I didn't know what to do with myself. I was so used to having a beer in my hands and now I have nothing by maybe a coffee or water. Those two things gave me no buzz as you might know. I longed to get that buzz I was so used to, but I knew if I broke and took that one drink of alcohol I would be right back to where I was drinking and abusing alcohol each and everyday.
I can relate to all those that are going through this torture. As time passed by it did get easier having no alcohol in my hands and I started to think of things that would keep my mind off the alcohol and the buzz I loved to have.
Here is what I think about when those urges and cravings come about to have a drink of alcohol:
Once you and I have gotten sober it is then our job to stay sober no matter what life throws out way. We can not break and turn to the bottle just because something didn't go right or a problem has come up.
Whatever the case may be we all can handle it without alcohol, because as you all know alcohol fixes nothing, in fact it only makes things much much worse than they really are. So, get and stay sober no mater what happens in your life.
There will always be times that you are going crazy without alcohol in your life, but you will survive and that craving will pass as long as you don't give in to the demons that are knocking at your door to get back into your life.
I know as far as my life with my own addiction to alcohol, it was indeed very hard to make that decision to stop drinking alcohol forever.
When you have had alcohol in your life for so many years and it become a huge part of your life it is so hard to just say goodbye, I have had enough of this torture
I have to admit in the beginning of my journey to living a life of sobriety it was hard and I was truly going crazy, because I didn't know what to do with myself. I was so used to having a beer in my hands and now I have nothing by maybe a coffee or water. Those two things gave me no buzz as you might know. I longed to get that buzz I was so used to, but I knew if I broke and took that one drink of alcohol I would be right back to where I was drinking and abusing alcohol each and everyday.
I can relate to all those that are going through this torture. As time passed by it did get easier having no alcohol in my hands and I started to think of things that would keep my mind off the alcohol and the buzz I loved to have.
Here is what I think about when those urges and cravings come about to have a drink of alcohol:
- I think of all the bad things I said and did while being drunk.
- I think of how I felt each morning I woke up after drinking all night.
- I think what I put my family through each and everyday I drank.
- I think of all the money I spent on something that was killing me slowly.
- I think of my physical appearance and how it declined each day that passed.
Once you and I have gotten sober it is then our job to stay sober no matter what life throws out way. We can not break and turn to the bottle just because something didn't go right or a problem has come up.
Whatever the case may be we all can handle it without alcohol, because as you all know alcohol fixes nothing, in fact it only makes things much much worse than they really are. So, get and stay sober no mater what happens in your life.
There will always be times that you are going crazy without alcohol in your life, but you will survive and that craving will pass as long as you don't give in to the demons that are knocking at your door to get back into your life.
Friday, January 16, 2015
What Kind Of Role Model Are You?
Since the very day we are born we look up to our parents, because after all they are ones that gave us life right? We look up to them through the years as our role models.
What kind of role model were they all through the years they brought you up to be a decent and respectable adult?
What happens if the very ones that brought you life into this world are alcoholics or drug addicts? What type of role model are they to you now having this addiction?
As you become an adult, and have your own family, "what kind of role model are you?" Are you the same as your parents were?
How can anyone such as children look up to a parent that has an addiction to alcohol or drugs? They are not the role model that you would like to look up to right?
Any child brought up in an environment of nothing but alcohol and drugs can't have a great future can they?
They sure can have a great future, as long as they don't follow the footsteps of their parent that were poor role models. They still love and want them be a role model, but unfortunately, their parents chose a different type of life and were not able to be a great role model for their children.
When you become a parent and have your own children, be the best role model you can to them. Your children want to look up to you, and idolize the very people that brought life to them.
Teach them the proper way and show them what life is really all about.
What kind of role model were they all through the years they brought you up to be a decent and respectable adult?
What happens if the very ones that brought you life into this world are alcoholics or drug addicts? What type of role model are they to you now having this addiction?
As you become an adult, and have your own family, "what kind of role model are you?" Are you the same as your parents were?
How can anyone such as children look up to a parent that has an addiction to alcohol or drugs? They are not the role model that you would like to look up to right?
Any child brought up in an environment of nothing but alcohol and drugs can't have a great future can they?
They sure can have a great future, as long as they don't follow the footsteps of their parent that were poor role models. They still love and want them be a role model, but unfortunately, their parents chose a different type of life and were not able to be a great role model for their children.
When you become a parent and have your own children, be the best role model you can to them. Your children want to look up to you, and idolize the very people that brought life to them.
Teach them the proper way and show them what life is really all about.
alcohol in a family,
role model
New Jersey Shore
Long Beach Island, New Jersey, USA
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Alcohol Abuse - DEATH by Self-Destruction
For anyone that abuses alcohol must know what the outcome will be in the future right? If you don't know, then this title should tell it all. Alcohol Abuse - DEATH by self-destruction is how I would word it. Sooner or later your alcohol abuse will catch up with you and it will not be a pretty thing.
Sooner or later your alcohol abuse will start to effect your health, if it hasn't all ready. We really don't know what our bodies are doing inside right? Sooner or later our body will tell us, and then it may be too late to fix or heal anything.
All of us alcoholics are killing ourselves slow, but sure. It is really sad to see all the people that abuse alcohol ruining their lives with drinking too much and not knowing when enough is enough. For these alcoholics it is never enough. I would know, because back 5 years ago it was never enough alcohol to please me and get me to that state of mind alcohol did to me.
Probably many of you that read my articles are getting sick and tired of hearing about alcohol, and if so, that is too bad, just leave the site. I will continue to write about alcohol, and what your life will be like if you don't change your ways, until my fingers no longer move on this keyboard.
I know what can happen because alcohol was my life for many of years until I finally realized where my life was headed, and it was not good. So, I got out of the denial I lived in for so long and changed my life for the better, and I have to tell you, it was the best thing I could have ever done in my life.
No one just wakes up one morning and says to themselves, "I think I will abuse alcohol or do drugs to self-destruct myself."
That is not how it happens as you may know. We start off drinking alcohol, and in many cases nowadays, at a very young age, just to see what alcohol feels like and how we would feel drunk. Then you like the way alcohol makes you feel, BUT now it takes more alcohol to get to that buzz you had the first time and then it escalates to more and more alcohol and before you know it you can't live without it. You are addicted and alcohol now is running your life. The same thing goes for drugs, although I never used them, so I am not a expert on telling you what drugs do, but I do know it too will kill you in the end just as abusing alcohol will do.
Don't self-destruct yourself with something that is very avoidable. The way out of this self-destructing life is to simply NOT DRINK OR USE DRUGS.
Sooner or later your alcohol abuse will start to effect your health, if it hasn't all ready. We really don't know what our bodies are doing inside right? Sooner or later our body will tell us, and then it may be too late to fix or heal anything.
All of us alcoholics are killing ourselves slow, but sure. It is really sad to see all the people that abuse alcohol ruining their lives with drinking too much and not knowing when enough is enough. For these alcoholics it is never enough. I would know, because back 5 years ago it was never enough alcohol to please me and get me to that state of mind alcohol did to me.
Probably many of you that read my articles are getting sick and tired of hearing about alcohol, and if so, that is too bad, just leave the site. I will continue to write about alcohol, and what your life will be like if you don't change your ways, until my fingers no longer move on this keyboard.
I know what can happen because alcohol was my life for many of years until I finally realized where my life was headed, and it was not good. So, I got out of the denial I lived in for so long and changed my life for the better, and I have to tell you, it was the best thing I could have ever done in my life.
No one just wakes up one morning and says to themselves, "I think I will abuse alcohol or do drugs to self-destruct myself."
That is not how it happens as you may know. We start off drinking alcohol, and in many cases nowadays, at a very young age, just to see what alcohol feels like and how we would feel drunk. Then you like the way alcohol makes you feel, BUT now it takes more alcohol to get to that buzz you had the first time and then it escalates to more and more alcohol and before you know it you can't live without it. You are addicted and alcohol now is running your life. The same thing goes for drugs, although I never used them, so I am not a expert on telling you what drugs do, but I do know it too will kill you in the end just as abusing alcohol will do.
Don't self-destruct yourself with something that is very avoidable. The way out of this self-destructing life is to simply NOT DRINK OR USE DRUGS.
alcohol abuse,
self destruction,
stop drinking alcohol
New Jersey Shore
Long Beach Island, New Jersey, USA
Abusing Alcohol - What Is Your Future Looking Like ?
There is nothing at wrong with having a social drink now and again, but for many people such as myself, having a social drink once in awhile is impossible.
For millions of people, one or two drinks is not enough, and that includes me. Sure I loved to drink alcohol just as much as the next person, but a social drink just didn't cut it. I needed more and more in order to get to that feeling alcohol gives everyone.
Abusing alcohol, what is your future looking like, I have to ask you?
Do you feel if you continue to abuse alcohol the way you are now your future will be bright and healthy? In my opinion, I don't think so.
Alcohol makes us feel as if we can conquer anything in the world. It makes us feel like we know everything. It makes us feel we are indestructible, and the next morning it makes us feel sick, hungover and wondering why did we drank too much.
It is really worth abusing our bodies with alcohol and for others, drugs. We all know, or at least we should know, alcohol and drugs will catch up with us sooner or later, and when it does, we will be very sorry we abused alcohol and drugs the way we did over the years.
Here we are in a new years 2015, so how about starting it off with a new outlook on life and try your hardest to stop drinking and abusing alcohol, and in other cases using drugs.
We are all here on Earth but one time, so make that one and only life you have a wonderful and sober life, and start the New Year of 2015 a great one, and one to be proud of.
By saying being proud of, means, that you changed your life and realized that alcohol and drugs will kill you in the end and you have made that decision to change and live that one life you have clean and sober.
Lets make 2015 a year to remember by living life with sobriety. You will thank yourself in the end!
For millions of people, one or two drinks is not enough, and that includes me. Sure I loved to drink alcohol just as much as the next person, but a social drink just didn't cut it. I needed more and more in order to get to that feeling alcohol gives everyone.
Abusing alcohol, what is your future looking like, I have to ask you?
Do you feel if you continue to abuse alcohol the way you are now your future will be bright and healthy? In my opinion, I don't think so.
Alcohol makes us feel as if we can conquer anything in the world. It makes us feel like we know everything. It makes us feel we are indestructible, and the next morning it makes us feel sick, hungover and wondering why did we drank too much.
It is really worth abusing our bodies with alcohol and for others, drugs. We all know, or at least we should know, alcohol and drugs will catch up with us sooner or later, and when it does, we will be very sorry we abused alcohol and drugs the way we did over the years.
Here we are in a new years 2015, so how about starting it off with a new outlook on life and try your hardest to stop drinking and abusing alcohol, and in other cases using drugs.
We are all here on Earth but one time, so make that one and only life you have a wonderful and sober life, and start the New Year of 2015 a great one, and one to be proud of.
By saying being proud of, means, that you changed your life and realized that alcohol and drugs will kill you in the end and you have made that decision to change and live that one life you have clean and sober.
Lets make 2015 a year to remember by living life with sobriety. You will thank yourself in the end!
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