Here is a question to think about for all those that loan or give money to an alcoholic. Is loaning money to an alcoholic enabling them?
For anyone that does this, I know what you are thinking right now. You think that you are helping the alcoholic by giving or loaning them money to buy their alcohol, but in fact you are enabling them and making them think that is perfectly okay to drink and abuse alcohol as they are doing.
They then think by you giving them money to help them get the alcohol necessary for their fix you will continue to do so whenever they ask again.
You, the enabler, feel bad by saying, "NO I will not feed your addiction by giving you money!" You hurt inside by saying no, so you give in and give the alcoholic what they need to make them happy. You are not helping by any means by giving in and saying yes here is some money so that you can buy your alcohol.
By doing this and giving in, the alcoholic will expect this yes for an answer everytime they ask for money. You have to be firm and same No I will not support you habit and your addiction no longer.
I know this will be hard for you to say, but I have been there in my life of my own addiction to alcohol. I used to ask my wife, "please go out and buy me more beer because I was so buzzed and drunk I couldn't drive, so I pleaded with her to go out for me, or simply take me so that I didn't have to drive. She didn't like it, and in fact hated that I would ask her this, but she always said yes just to shut me up.
See she thought she was doing good by shutting me up, but in fact she was letting me win all the time if I bitched and complained enough. You simply have to say NO I will not go out and buy you more alcohol, and I will not drive you anywhere to buy it.
She just wanted to keep peace in the house and I can see that, but in reality it was making it worse,, until one day when her words to me were, "IT IS ME OR ALCOHOL...YOU MAKE THE CHOICE!"
She meant business and I knew it. It really made me stop and think. "what really is more important, my wife or my addiction to alcohol?" I was smart enough to figure out I'd better change my ways real fast before it is too late. So I did, and that was over 4 years ago and haven't touched a drop of alcohol since.
Our married life improved 1000 percent and life couldn't be any better than it is right now. Our love has grown more than ever and we are closer than ever before, and why is that you may ask?
Because she laid the law down, and stuck to it, and I made the choice to stop drinking and chose my wife over my addiction to alcohol.
Life is great and so is SOBRIETY!
For anyone that has an addiction to alcohol, just try out living sober. You will be very surprised of how your life will turn around all for the good!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
What Should You Do If You Are Just Tired Of Drinking
The question is, "what should you do if you are just tired of drinking?" Have you had enough of the life you are leading drinking and abusing alcohol each and everyday?
I bet you would love to stop drinking alcohol, but you are afraid of how you will feel with the absence of alcohol in your body right?
Here is what I did to overcome my addiction to alcohol.
You need to make up your mind once and for all that you want and need sobriety back into your life. You need to want sobriety and not be forced in to it. If you don't want sobriety for yourself first, than what anybody says or does won't help you whatsoever. (At least that was the way my life of alcohol went for me.)
Make up your mind to stop drinking and stick to your decision and don't let anyone or anything change your mind ever!
Everything gets old after a while, including drinking your life away. It least it got old for me, and so what did I do? I stopped drinking and will never touch a drop of that poison again as long as I should live.
I bet you would love to stop drinking alcohol, but you are afraid of how you will feel with the absence of alcohol in your body right?
Here is what I did to overcome my addiction to alcohol.
- I took a long and hard look at the life I was leading.
- I looked at all the things I missed out on because of my addiction to alcohol.
- I looked into my families eyes and saw fear on each face I looked at. The fear that I just might die because of my addiction.
- I thought of all the money I spent on my addiction.
- I looked at the appearance of my body and how it was failing.
- I thought of all the morning waking up with a huge hangover.
- I thought of all the things I said and did when drunk.
You need to make up your mind once and for all that you want and need sobriety back into your life. You need to want sobriety and not be forced in to it. If you don't want sobriety for yourself first, than what anybody says or does won't help you whatsoever. (At least that was the way my life of alcohol went for me.)
Make up your mind to stop drinking and stick to your decision and don't let anyone or anything change your mind ever!
Everything gets old after a while, including drinking your life away. It least it got old for me, and so what did I do? I stopped drinking and will never touch a drop of that poison again as long as I should live.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Go Cold Turkey Or Go To Alcohol Rehab.
Go cold turkey or go to alcohol Rehab. is what I want address in this post because of a few comments from readers on my previous post regarding going cold turkey is deadly. Well, yes we all know that cold turkey is dangerous and could be deadly, but why did I choose going cold turkey when I decided to stop drinking alcohol?
The first thing was I was so afraid to even go to the Doctors for a check up because I was so worried of what he may find regarding my health due to over drinking for so many years.
I took a HUGE chance going cold turkey when I decided to quit drinking and I would not recommend anyone to do like I did. It is very dangerous, and could indeed be deadly.
Go to a Rehabilitation Treatment Center to get the proper care and guidance for this life changing thing. I say life changing because it was sure a life changing experience for me. To drink alcohol every single day of the week for many years and to not have one drop of alcohol is sure a experience.
If you do have a addiction to alcohol and want to stop drinking, PLEASE check yourself into a Rehab. Center to get the Professional help you need to get better. They will be right there for you and keeping you safe from anything that could happen during detox from your addiction to alcohol or drugs.
I was so foolish to go cold turkey, but I was a shamed, and afraid to be placed behind closed doors to get help, so I did it myself, and thank God nothing happened bad to me during this time.
Get out of denial. Make up your mind you want to stop drinking alcohol forever. Ask for Help. Check into a Rehab. Treatment Center and start living the life of Sobriety!
Why It Is So Hard To Stop Drinking Alcohol
There are many reasons why it is so hard to stop drinking alcohol. The number one reason for so many alcoholics is that they are just not ready to stop drinking and start living a life clean and sober.
As for me, it took many years to finally realize I was slowly killing myself by drinking and abusing alcohol. If you truly want sobriety back into your life, you will need to first get yourself out of the denial you have been living in for so long.
I know that I lived in denial for many of years, thinking and saying that I had no problem with alcohol whatsoever. Once I got out of denial and admitted that I truly had a huge problem with this addiction I had, it made it easier to stop drinking and start to live the life I was put on this Earth to live, and that was living sober, not drunk.
Many people just don't want to change their live, or they are simply afraid to get sober worrying about what might happen if they gave up alcohol. They worry about if they would get sick for not having alcohol in their system, something they are so used to having.
They may worry about losing their long time drinking buddies, but do they worry about dying or losing their family because they pay more attention to the addiction to alcohol they have then their own spouses, children, fathers or mothers?
When I finally got clean and sober back in October of 2009 I never realized just how easy it was once I made my mind up to quit drinking. The thing is, that you must want to stop and not be made to stop drinking.
I have to admit though, it was hard in the beginning when I stop drinking alcohol, and the reason being was, I was so used to having alcohol everyday of the week, and to go from that to nothing was a hard adjustment to make, but I made up my mind that I had enough of the life I was living and I wanted a new life for not only myself, but my wife and children as well, and that was enough for me to stick to my guns and never go back to the old ways of drinking and abusing my body anymore.
I did it when I thought it would never happen, and so can you!! Keeping a positive attitude is a must my dear friends, and staying away from all temptations, and people that are still drinking is a MUST.
As for me, it took many years to finally realize I was slowly killing myself by drinking and abusing alcohol. If you truly want sobriety back into your life, you will need to first get yourself out of the denial you have been living in for so long.
I know that I lived in denial for many of years, thinking and saying that I had no problem with alcohol whatsoever. Once I got out of denial and admitted that I truly had a huge problem with this addiction I had, it made it easier to stop drinking and start to live the life I was put on this Earth to live, and that was living sober, not drunk.
Many people just don't want to change their live, or they are simply afraid to get sober worrying about what might happen if they gave up alcohol. They worry about if they would get sick for not having alcohol in their system, something they are so used to having.
They may worry about losing their long time drinking buddies, but do they worry about dying or losing their family because they pay more attention to the addiction to alcohol they have then their own spouses, children, fathers or mothers?
When I finally got clean and sober back in October of 2009 I never realized just how easy it was once I made my mind up to quit drinking. The thing is, that you must want to stop and not be made to stop drinking.
I have to admit though, it was hard in the beginning when I stop drinking alcohol, and the reason being was, I was so used to having alcohol everyday of the week, and to go from that to nothing was a hard adjustment to make, but I made up my mind that I had enough of the life I was living and I wanted a new life for not only myself, but my wife and children as well, and that was enough for me to stick to my guns and never go back to the old ways of drinking and abusing my body anymore.
I did it when I thought it would never happen, and so can you!! Keeping a positive attitude is a must my dear friends, and staying away from all temptations, and people that are still drinking is a MUST.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Abusing Alcohol And Your Body
Abusing alcohol and your body is one thing we the alcoholics never think about. Once we get that first taste of alcohol of the day, the eye opener so they say, we think of nothing but trying to reach that buzz we had only hours before.
It truly is sad for me to think and talk about something like alcohol that was a huge part of my life, and my families life as well for so many years. Being sober now for over 4 years I get sick to even think about what I put my body through all those years abusing alcohol and my body.
Now is the time like no other for each alcohol and anyone who is addicted to alcohol and can't seem to stop drinking. Sobriety is right at your finger tips if and only if you choose to change your life for the better.
I have found out through my own experiences with drinking too much, that drinking and abusing alcohol and your body is so foolish. I often asked myself, "why can't I just have one or two drinks and call it the day just like others I watched through my dark days of addiction?"
They seem to be perfectly satisfied with one or two drinks, and I and other alcoholics just can't get enough alcohol in our bodies. I think for myself that I was just too weak and let the demons inside me run and try their hardest to ruin my life.
I often wonder till this day, why and how did I get clean and sober 4 years ago? Why couldn't I have done that years before?
The answer I came up with was, "I JUST WASN'T READY TO CHANGE MY LIFE!" I guess you just have to hit rock bottom in order to do something drastic to change you life.
A dear friend of mine, and the one that changed my life with his website says in his addiction site, TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!! Taking action to change your life is great but MASSIVE ACTION is what needs to be done in order to have success and sobriety in your life.
Just remember this one thing when you are abusing your body with alcohol. Each and everyone of us have only BUT ONE life here on Earth, so why would we destroy this one and only body with alcohol when we can just stop drinking and start living clean and sober?
I know it was super hard for me to quit drinking alcohol, as it is for all of the alcoholics out there, but I made my mind up and stuck to the promise I made to myself saying, "I will never, after this day (October 27, 2009, my sober date) touch another alcoholic drink for the rest of my life no matter how good or bad life gets!"
Once you make up your mind, and stick to that decision, you are on your way to living the life of sobriety just as I am right now.
I did it and so can you!! Get out of denial, and just take a look around at the lives you are taking down with you all because of your addiction to alcohol. It is so possible if that is what you want out of the one and only life you have. Get out of denial, think positive and be stronger than your addiction, and believe me things will start to get better each and everyday from that point on.
Check out some other articles I have written about alcohol and positive attitudes in life.
It truly is sad for me to think and talk about something like alcohol that was a huge part of my life, and my families life as well for so many years. Being sober now for over 4 years I get sick to even think about what I put my body through all those years abusing alcohol and my body.
Now is the time like no other for each alcohol and anyone who is addicted to alcohol and can't seem to stop drinking. Sobriety is right at your finger tips if and only if you choose to change your life for the better.
I have found out through my own experiences with drinking too much, that drinking and abusing alcohol and your body is so foolish. I often asked myself, "why can't I just have one or two drinks and call it the day just like others I watched through my dark days of addiction?"
They seem to be perfectly satisfied with one or two drinks, and I and other alcoholics just can't get enough alcohol in our bodies. I think for myself that I was just too weak and let the demons inside me run and try their hardest to ruin my life.
I often wonder till this day, why and how did I get clean and sober 4 years ago? Why couldn't I have done that years before?
The answer I came up with was, "I JUST WASN'T READY TO CHANGE MY LIFE!" I guess you just have to hit rock bottom in order to do something drastic to change you life.
A dear friend of mine, and the one that changed my life with his website says in his addiction site, TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!! Taking action to change your life is great but MASSIVE ACTION is what needs to be done in order to have success and sobriety in your life.
Just remember this one thing when you are abusing your body with alcohol. Each and everyone of us have only BUT ONE life here on Earth, so why would we destroy this one and only body with alcohol when we can just stop drinking and start living clean and sober?
I know it was super hard for me to quit drinking alcohol, as it is for all of the alcoholics out there, but I made my mind up and stuck to the promise I made to myself saying, "I will never, after this day (October 27, 2009, my sober date) touch another alcoholic drink for the rest of my life no matter how good or bad life gets!"
Once you make up your mind, and stick to that decision, you are on your way to living the life of sobriety just as I am right now.
I did it and so can you!! Get out of denial, and just take a look around at the lives you are taking down with you all because of your addiction to alcohol. It is so possible if that is what you want out of the one and only life you have. Get out of denial, think positive and be stronger than your addiction, and believe me things will start to get better each and everyday from that point on.
Check out some other articles I have written about alcohol and positive attitudes in life.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
How to Make A New Life For Yourself After An Addiction
Here is how to make a new life for yourself after an addiction from my own experiences with drinking and abusing alcohol.
I drank alcohol for the majority of my life, but in October of 2009 I had had enough of the life I was living and was pissed off at myself for what I put my wife and children through all the years I drank and abused alcohol. SO what did I do to fix this? I STOPPED DRINKING ALCOHOL!
Here are few things I think about when that urge to drink alcohol comes over me, and hopefully they will help you to say NO when the urge and temptation comes over you.
Lets just say you are sober, and you go somewhere that is serving alcohol and your mind starts to spin out of control thinking about all the so called good times you had back when you drank alcohol. Were they really good times or just the alcohol saying to you that life is so great being drunk and stupid?
You need to think of all the times you felt so sick and what you did and said to people that you loved and cared about because the alcohol was making you say things you would normally not say being sober.
How many times have you said something nasty, and hurt the ones you loved? I can count many times for myself. Would you really say those things being clean and sober? I bet not my fellow friends!
Making a new life for yourself after an addiction to alcohol, or even drugs for that matter will be hard to get adjusted to because you and I have been living with this addiction, and that addiction was a huge part of our life, and now that we became sober it will be a new life to get used to. Where has our friend and crutch gone?
A life of sobriety is the best thing in the world, and you will then see what your life is truly about when you get and stay sober. It will be loving and respecting yourself, and loving yourself when you hated yourself and your life when you were using and drinking alcohol for so many years of your life.
You and I need to keep ourselves busy each and everyday in order to keep our minds off the addiction that we just gave up. Keeping your mind and body busy will indeed keep your mind off of your past addiction. I know it helps with me to staying sober.
Writing is now my passion, and knowing that I might just help one person in the world realize that there is a beautiful life out there being sober means more than anything to me.
Alway keep that Positive attitude and keep telling yourself that you will continue to beat this addiction you once had. Your attitude in life can make or break you in anything you try to do, and that includes getting and staying sober forever.
Spend that quality time with your family and friends that you never did when you were drinking and abusing alcohol and drugs. It will be like a breath of fresh air to you, as it is to me right at this moment.
The best thing I had ever done in my life was to get out of my denial and stop drinking alcohol forever. Sure, I will always be an alcoholic, but I will never let my past addiction to alcohol take control of my life and the lives of all the people that love and care for me.
I drank alcohol for the majority of my life, but in October of 2009 I had had enough of the life I was living and was pissed off at myself for what I put my wife and children through all the years I drank and abused alcohol. SO what did I do to fix this? I STOPPED DRINKING ALCOHOL!
Here are few things I think about when that urge to drink alcohol comes over me, and hopefully they will help you to say NO when the urge and temptation comes over you.
- Remember how you felt when you drank.
- Remember what you looked like from drinking and using drugs or alcohol.
- Remember what you did and said to the ones you loved and cared for.
- Remember how much money you spent on your addiction.
- Remember those huge nasty and painful hangovers.
- Remember when your drank and drove your automobile under the influence.
Lets just say you are sober, and you go somewhere that is serving alcohol and your mind starts to spin out of control thinking about all the so called good times you had back when you drank alcohol. Were they really good times or just the alcohol saying to you that life is so great being drunk and stupid?
You need to think of all the times you felt so sick and what you did and said to people that you loved and cared about because the alcohol was making you say things you would normally not say being sober.
How many times have you said something nasty, and hurt the ones you loved? I can count many times for myself. Would you really say those things being clean and sober? I bet not my fellow friends!
Making a new life for yourself after an addiction to alcohol, or even drugs for that matter will be hard to get adjusted to because you and I have been living with this addiction, and that addiction was a huge part of our life, and now that we became sober it will be a new life to get used to. Where has our friend and crutch gone?
A life of sobriety is the best thing in the world, and you will then see what your life is truly about when you get and stay sober. It will be loving and respecting yourself, and loving yourself when you hated yourself and your life when you were using and drinking alcohol for so many years of your life.
You and I need to keep ourselves busy each and everyday in order to keep our minds off the addiction that we just gave up. Keeping your mind and body busy will indeed keep your mind off of your past addiction. I know it helps with me to staying sober.
Writing is now my passion, and knowing that I might just help one person in the world realize that there is a beautiful life out there being sober means more than anything to me.
Alway keep that Positive attitude and keep telling yourself that you will continue to beat this addiction you once had. Your attitude in life can make or break you in anything you try to do, and that includes getting and staying sober forever.
Spend that quality time with your family and friends that you never did when you were drinking and abusing alcohol and drugs. It will be like a breath of fresh air to you, as it is to me right at this moment.
The best thing I had ever done in my life was to get out of my denial and stop drinking alcohol forever. Sure, I will always be an alcoholic, but I will never let my past addiction to alcohol take control of my life and the lives of all the people that love and care for me.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Over Drinking During The Holidays
Many people like to drink alcohol, but over drinking during the Holidays gets to be too much for many of us.
I only wish for myself, and others that have an addiction to alcohol, is to be able to have just a couple glasses of wine, or one or two glasses of beer just to be sociable during this Holiday season. The problem for myself, and so many other people is that we just can not have one or two alcoholic drinks because it just doesn't satisfy our needs, and why is that?
When we have a dependence on alcohol, and being so addicted to it, means that there will be no satisfaction to those that would have those one or two drinks. That is why if you or I do have an addiction to alcohol and have got sober, like myself, there is no way that we can have even one alcoholic drink, because you and I know for a fact that we would be doomed and more than likely relapse and go back to our old ways of drinking and abusing alcohol everyday of the week.
Those that do not have an addiction to alcohol, but like to have that one or two social drinks, just keep in mind not to over drink during the Holiday seasons.
Accidents and getting sick from over drinking can happen to any of us whether you have an addiction to alcohol or not, so just be careful not only during the Holiday Season, but every time you sit down and have that alcoholic beverage.
Be safe, and I wish each and every person that read this a Happy and Prosperous Christmas and New Years.
I only wish for myself, and others that have an addiction to alcohol, is to be able to have just a couple glasses of wine, or one or two glasses of beer just to be sociable during this Holiday season. The problem for myself, and so many other people is that we just can not have one or two alcoholic drinks because it just doesn't satisfy our needs, and why is that?
When we have a dependence on alcohol, and being so addicted to it, means that there will be no satisfaction to those that would have those one or two drinks. That is why if you or I do have an addiction to alcohol and have got sober, like myself, there is no way that we can have even one alcoholic drink, because you and I know for a fact that we would be doomed and more than likely relapse and go back to our old ways of drinking and abusing alcohol everyday of the week.
Those that do not have an addiction to alcohol, but like to have that one or two social drinks, just keep in mind not to over drink during the Holiday seasons.
Accidents and getting sick from over drinking can happen to any of us whether you have an addiction to alcohol or not, so just be careful not only during the Holiday Season, but every time you sit down and have that alcoholic beverage.
Be safe, and I wish each and every person that read this a Happy and Prosperous Christmas and New Years.
addicted to alcohol,
drinking alcohol,
stop drinking alcohol
New Jersey Shore
Long Beach Island, New Jersey, USA
Monday, October 14, 2013
Breaking Free Of Your Alcohol Demons
If you are someone that has been addicted to alcohol for some time, wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to break free of your alcohol demons?
I know from my own experiences with drinking alcohol that it is not as easy as many think it is, meaning those that don't have an addiction to alcohol, or those that don't drink alcohol at all.
I have heard it all in my days of drinking. Everyone thinks it is so easy to just stop drinking and forget about everything you have done in the past. Sure. it is easy for them to say that because they are not the ones that are suffering with this horrible addiction to alcohol.
They have no idea how these demons can run and ruin ones life. Breaking free of your alcohol demons takes a lot from you, as it did for me four years ago this month.
You need to first want to have sobriety back into your life, and not be forced into getting sober or being threatened by others. You need to want it for yourself first!
You need to have a positive attitude, and continue to tell yourself that you can and will get and stay sober. You have to have a strong desire and determination to change your life for the better.
You need to promise yourself that once you make this huge life change and quit drinking that you will never pick up an alcoholic drink for the rest of your life, and you MUST stick to that promise to yourself no matter what happens, good or bad in your future.
This addiction is not a game, nor is it something to mess around with, such as, stopping drinking, and then you think you are cured and take that one little drink of alcohol thinking that is all you will have. Well I am here to tell you, "It will not work!" You are about to torture yourself, and your body by thinking, Oh I have been sober for X amount of time so I should be okay to have one or two drinks. It won't work, believe me I have been there.
Don't give in and let those alcohol demons back into your life again. They are just waiting in your body for you to mess up, and have that one or two drinks, and if you do, they are back in and I mean in worse than when you stopped drinking the first time. Stand strong to your demons and your past addiction to alcohol.
Never give in, and always love and believe in yourself!!
I know from my own experiences with drinking alcohol that it is not as easy as many think it is, meaning those that don't have an addiction to alcohol, or those that don't drink alcohol at all.
I have heard it all in my days of drinking. Everyone thinks it is so easy to just stop drinking and forget about everything you have done in the past. Sure. it is easy for them to say that because they are not the ones that are suffering with this horrible addiction to alcohol.
They have no idea how these demons can run and ruin ones life. Breaking free of your alcohol demons takes a lot from you, as it did for me four years ago this month.
You need to first want to have sobriety back into your life, and not be forced into getting sober or being threatened by others. You need to want it for yourself first!
You need to have a positive attitude, and continue to tell yourself that you can and will get and stay sober. You have to have a strong desire and determination to change your life for the better.
You need to promise yourself that once you make this huge life change and quit drinking that you will never pick up an alcoholic drink for the rest of your life, and you MUST stick to that promise to yourself no matter what happens, good or bad in your future.
This addiction is not a game, nor is it something to mess around with, such as, stopping drinking, and then you think you are cured and take that one little drink of alcohol thinking that is all you will have. Well I am here to tell you, "It will not work!" You are about to torture yourself, and your body by thinking, Oh I have been sober for X amount of time so I should be okay to have one or two drinks. It won't work, believe me I have been there.
Don't give in and let those alcohol demons back into your life again. They are just waiting in your body for you to mess up, and have that one or two drinks, and if you do, they are back in and I mean in worse than when you stopped drinking the first time. Stand strong to your demons and your past addiction to alcohol.
Never give in, and always love and believe in yourself!!
quit drinking alcohol,
New Jersey Shore
Long Beach Island, New Jersey, USA
Sunday, October 13, 2013
MY Warning Signs Of Getting Closer To Rock Bottom
Hundreds of thousands of people drink alcohol all over the world. Some drink to be social and relax after a hard days work, and then there are those, like myself, who just don't know when enough is enough, and when to stop drinking alcohol.
Some people that drink too much alcohol and don't know when to stop drinking begin to depend on alcohol everyday of their lives, as I did for many of years. It started as just a fun time out with the guys, to being full blown addicted to alcohol.
I couldn't go one day without alcohol in my system. It was now a huge part of my life, and the life I had before being addicted to alcohol was my dear family, my wife and my children. Those people were put behind my addiction to alcohol when alcohol finally took over me.
My warning signs of getting closer to rock bottom were getting clearer as each day and week passed. I asked myself, "why do I depend on alcohol so much?" "Why can't I go a day without drinking alcohol?" So in reality, deep down inside me, I knew I was doing wrong in my life, but just didn't have the willpower to say no more, and to just surrender once and for all. My demons have taken over me and wouldn't let me go until, October 27, 2009 when I stopped drinking forever.
This was getting frightening to me, and was effecting my family life too. I saw it coming slow, but sure, but I couldn't change my way of life all because of this addiction I now have. I was afraid to try and stop drinking alcohol because I didn't know if anything bad would happen to me regarding my health and getting sick from no alcohol in my body. Not only that, I wasn't ready to surrender to this addiction to alcohol I had. I loved the buzz alcohol gave me, although hated the hangovers in the morning, but once that first alcoholic drink was drank I was like a new man, or was I?
So, rock bottom for me was right around the corner, and if I didn't realize it when I did, I would have lost everything I worked so hard to have, and that includes my family.
Don't let yourself go to the point of being so close to rock bottom like I did. Catch it before it is too late my friends.
Mine you, I have NOTHING against anyone that drinks alcohol. I just wished I could drink socially, but that is impossible for me, so I just don't drink.
Drink alcohol and have a good time, BUT drink responsibly, and don't abuse alcohol or your body. You will pay for it in the end, so please be careful, and think before you drink and NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE!
Some people that drink too much alcohol and don't know when to stop drinking begin to depend on alcohol everyday of their lives, as I did for many of years. It started as just a fun time out with the guys, to being full blown addicted to alcohol.
I couldn't go one day without alcohol in my system. It was now a huge part of my life, and the life I had before being addicted to alcohol was my dear family, my wife and my children. Those people were put behind my addiction to alcohol when alcohol finally took over me.
My warning signs of getting closer to rock bottom were getting clearer as each day and week passed. I asked myself, "why do I depend on alcohol so much?" "Why can't I go a day without drinking alcohol?" So in reality, deep down inside me, I knew I was doing wrong in my life, but just didn't have the willpower to say no more, and to just surrender once and for all. My demons have taken over me and wouldn't let me go until, October 27, 2009 when I stopped drinking forever.
This was getting frightening to me, and was effecting my family life too. I saw it coming slow, but sure, but I couldn't change my way of life all because of this addiction I now have. I was afraid to try and stop drinking alcohol because I didn't know if anything bad would happen to me regarding my health and getting sick from no alcohol in my body. Not only that, I wasn't ready to surrender to this addiction to alcohol I had. I loved the buzz alcohol gave me, although hated the hangovers in the morning, but once that first alcoholic drink was drank I was like a new man, or was I?
- I needed to drink everyday, sick or not.
- I started to drink alone.
- I hid my alcohol from family and friends.
- I didn't want to ever eat with my family.
- I never ate anything until I had my fill of alcohol for that day.
- My appearance was getting worse as the weeks went by.
- I gained so much weight from the alcohol. (beer)
- I stopped wanting to go with my family to family affairs.
- I would never go anywhere unless I knew there was alcohol being served.
- If I went somewhere where alcohol WASN'T being served, I brought my own and hid it.
So, rock bottom for me was right around the corner, and if I didn't realize it when I did, I would have lost everything I worked so hard to have, and that includes my family.
Don't let yourself go to the point of being so close to rock bottom like I did. Catch it before it is too late my friends.
Mine you, I have NOTHING against anyone that drinks alcohol. I just wished I could drink socially, but that is impossible for me, so I just don't drink.
Drink alcohol and have a good time, BUT drink responsibly, and don't abuse alcohol or your body. You will pay for it in the end, so please be careful, and think before you drink and NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE!
New Jersey Shore
Long Beach Island, New Jersey, USA
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
How Can Sobriety Change My Life?
For anyone that has an addiction to alcohol may often wonder what it would feel like to be sober once again, and may ask them selves and others how can sobriety change my life?
I am here to tell you, that I drank alcohol for many years, and alcohol many times came before all else, including my family and friends.
Once I decided to finally surrender to my demons, and get out of the denial I was living in for so many years, everything began to get better in my life, and if you try the same thing you might find your life will improve also. The thing is that many alcoholics are simply afraid to quit drinking alcohol for the fear that they might not be able to get along in life without their crutch named alcohol.
Believe me, I did it and so can you my friends. I feel we all are friends and have the same thing in common which is an addiction to alcohol and just don't know how to stop drinking or are afraid to stop drinking as mentioned above.
Please never be afraid of changing your life for the better. Sobriety will never hurt you, it's your addiction to alcohol and abuse of it that will kill you in the end, and if it doesn't kill you it will make your life turn upside down and you will then experience rock bottom if you haven't already.
Alcohol does exactly what is suppose to do, and that is to make you feel drunk, act like a ass, hurt people you love, say things that you would never say sober, and so many other things. Alcohol when drank responsibly is okay in my book, and I wish so bad I could have one drink and just socialize with some friends, but my problem was, I didn't know how to drink responsible and never knew when enough was enough.
This I am sure, is the problem with many people that just don't know how to have a social drink. It is never enough until you get that buzz your body longs for.
Listen everyone, I am not here writing to piss off people or preach to everyone. I just want to tell all those that will listen, that there is a great life out there after an addiction, and not to be afraid to change your life.
Just think, you can save your own life just by making that change in your life. It really isn't that hard if you have that will, determination and that positive attitude to get and stay sober. GRANTED, there will be those that need to enter a Rehabilitation Center, and that is the smart thing to do, for sure. To be treated and cared for by Professionals. Get Sober the safe and healthy way!
For myself, I went cold turkey and was worried every minute of everyday wondering will anything happen to me. Will I get the DT's and get deathly sick? Don't put yourself through that, do it right, but first off, you MUST want to have sobriety in your life before all else works.
You are the only one that can make sobriety happen in your life and nobody else. It is up to you, and you alone to make that choice to change, and to make a new life, not only for you, but your family as well.
Get out of denial and make up your mind to surrender once and for all. You need to take that first step and all others steps will follow. One step and one day at a time. You will reach the top of those steps before you know it.

I am here to tell you, that I drank alcohol for many years, and alcohol many times came before all else, including my family and friends.
Once I decided to finally surrender to my demons, and get out of the denial I was living in for so many years, everything began to get better in my life, and if you try the same thing you might find your life will improve also. The thing is that many alcoholics are simply afraid to quit drinking alcohol for the fear that they might not be able to get along in life without their crutch named alcohol.
Believe me, I did it and so can you my friends. I feel we all are friends and have the same thing in common which is an addiction to alcohol and just don't know how to stop drinking or are afraid to stop drinking as mentioned above.
Please never be afraid of changing your life for the better. Sobriety will never hurt you, it's your addiction to alcohol and abuse of it that will kill you in the end, and if it doesn't kill you it will make your life turn upside down and you will then experience rock bottom if you haven't already.
Alcohol does exactly what is suppose to do, and that is to make you feel drunk, act like a ass, hurt people you love, say things that you would never say sober, and so many other things. Alcohol when drank responsibly is okay in my book, and I wish so bad I could have one drink and just socialize with some friends, but my problem was, I didn't know how to drink responsible and never knew when enough was enough.
This I am sure, is the problem with many people that just don't know how to have a social drink. It is never enough until you get that buzz your body longs for.
- I was a very negative person when I drank alcohol, but now being sober for four years I am now a very positive and healthy person.
- My social life is now enjoyable being sober, and I act like the real me, and not a fake and a drunk.
- My family life is excellent and my marriage has improved so much.
- I spend quality time now with my wife and family, when before I spent my time drinking at bars or drinking alone.
- My appearance has improved 100%.
- I lost 50 pounds by not drinking all that beer each and everyday of my life.
- I eat great now and have plenty of energy to do what I want each day.
- I can go out in my car anytime I please without worrying about being pulled over and giving a DUI for drinking and driving.
- I have fulfilled my life long dream of living at the Ocean, when before when I drank, I still wanted that dream to come true, but alcohol held my back from achieving that dream.
- I never wake up anymore with that horrible massive hangover.
Listen everyone, I am not here writing to piss off people or preach to everyone. I just want to tell all those that will listen, that there is a great life out there after an addiction, and not to be afraid to change your life.
Just think, you can save your own life just by making that change in your life. It really isn't that hard if you have that will, determination and that positive attitude to get and stay sober. GRANTED, there will be those that need to enter a Rehabilitation Center, and that is the smart thing to do, for sure. To be treated and cared for by Professionals. Get Sober the safe and healthy way!
For myself, I went cold turkey and was worried every minute of everyday wondering will anything happen to me. Will I get the DT's and get deathly sick? Don't put yourself through that, do it right, but first off, you MUST want to have sobriety in your life before all else works.
You are the only one that can make sobriety happen in your life and nobody else. It is up to you, and you alone to make that choice to change, and to make a new life, not only for you, but your family as well.
Get out of denial and make up your mind to surrender once and for all. You need to take that first step and all others steps will follow. One step and one day at a time. You will reach the top of those steps before you know it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Living In Recovery
Living in recovery is something we the alcoholics need to get used to. After so many years of drinking and abusing alcohol, getting and staying sober is so different to all of us.
Our bodies are so used to drinking alcohol everyday and when we stop drinking and want to change our lives we tend to be a bit bored with our new life.
Why are we bored? The simple reason is that when we live our life for alcohol and need to have alcohol everyday we just cannot get used to the fact that our alcohol demons are no longer with us, so we need to find something in our life to occupy ourselves and get our minds off of the poison that was going to kill us sooner or later.
When I stopped drinking alcohol I was a nervous wreck trying to figure out what I would do for the entire day without having a drink in my hand. It was the most unpleasant feeling in the world. It felt like one of my arms or legs were missing. That is how much I depended on alcohol each and everyday.
I am very sure many of you that have stopped drinking feel the same way as I did and do. I am used to being without alcohol now because it has been almost four years without a drop to drink.
We need to learn how to stay busy and occupied each and everyday. Living in recovery is a wonderful thing I must say. When we drink alcohol and abuse it to the point that we depend on it everyday we tend to forget what it feels like to be sober and live a life of sobriety.
We also need to stay positive and have a positive attitude at all times.
Those are a few things to think about when you are in recovery. You don't want to pick up that first drink when you ever get the urge for alcohol. This will happen to you as it has happened to me a few times. Having that temptation to drink when something may not go the way you have wanted it to go.
Living in recovery is a wonderful thing, but you will have those days you just wished you could have a drink and make things get better, but as we all know, drinking alcohol will not fix one thing in your life. I learned that the hard way and it took many years to finally figure that out.
Enjoy your recovery and be proud of what you have accomplished in your life by beating your demons.
Stay strong and keep that positive attitude at all times. Never let anyone or anything stand in your way of your recovery. You need to be proud of yourself and love and respect yourself more than ever.
You will indeed have bad days in the future, as we all do, but never let those bad days make you reach for that first drink of alcohol.
Our bodies are so used to drinking alcohol everyday and when we stop drinking and want to change our lives we tend to be a bit bored with our new life.
Why are we bored? The simple reason is that when we live our life for alcohol and need to have alcohol everyday we just cannot get used to the fact that our alcohol demons are no longer with us, so we need to find something in our life to occupy ourselves and get our minds off of the poison that was going to kill us sooner or later.
When I stopped drinking alcohol I was a nervous wreck trying to figure out what I would do for the entire day without having a drink in my hand. It was the most unpleasant feeling in the world. It felt like one of my arms or legs were missing. That is how much I depended on alcohol each and everyday.
I am very sure many of you that have stopped drinking feel the same way as I did and do. I am used to being without alcohol now because it has been almost four years without a drop to drink.
We need to learn how to stay busy and occupied each and everyday. Living in recovery is a wonderful thing I must say. When we drink alcohol and abuse it to the point that we depend on it everyday we tend to forget what it feels like to be sober and live a life of sobriety.
We also need to stay positive and have a positive attitude at all times.
- I think to myself how hard I worked to get to the point of where I am now in my recovery.
- I think how many times I hurt my family and friends while I abused alcohol.
- I think how much money I wasted on alcohol, when I should of been using that money for my family needs.
- I think of all those horrible mornings feeling like crap from over drinking the night before.
- I write articles each day here on my blog and also on HubPages in hopes to help others that are suffering with an addiction to get and stay sober.
- I think of all the wasted days I had because of drinking my life away.
- I think of all the things I missed out on because I put alcohol before all else.
- Loss of quality time with my family and friends.
Those are a few things to think about when you are in recovery. You don't want to pick up that first drink when you ever get the urge for alcohol. This will happen to you as it has happened to me a few times. Having that temptation to drink when something may not go the way you have wanted it to go.
Living in recovery is a wonderful thing, but you will have those days you just wished you could have a drink and make things get better, but as we all know, drinking alcohol will not fix one thing in your life. I learned that the hard way and it took many years to finally figure that out.
Enjoy your recovery and be proud of what you have accomplished in your life by beating your demons.
Stay strong and keep that positive attitude at all times. Never let anyone or anything stand in your way of your recovery. You need to be proud of yourself and love and respect yourself more than ever.
You will indeed have bad days in the future, as we all do, but never let those bad days make you reach for that first drink of alcohol.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Alcohol - The Temporary Escape From Reality
Alcohol the temporary escape from reality is so true and I can certainly relate to it. The buzz or being flat out drunk is only temporary and it will go away when you stop drinking and be taken over by your huge hangover in the morning.
So what should someone do to keep reality and whatever problem you may have from coming back? Well of course, keep on drinking and keep that drunk on. This is what many people do to escape from reality. They continue to drink each day hoping for things in their life to get better, not knowing that those problems will never go away because you are drinking alcohol.
I used to think, "wow I feel great drinking all this alcohol and I am not worried about a thing." Sure drinking will tend to ease the problem because you simply don't care anymore at that time, until the booze wears off and then reality sets in and Bang, there is your problem you originally had.
Drinking alcohol will sometimes just make matters worse than they are. You sit there drinking your life away coming up with all these stupid ideas that you may think will work to solve this so called problem in your life, and when you sober up and reality sets in again those so called great ideas sound stupid.
Your sober and think to yourself, "how in the world would this idea I had last night being drunk even work?" Although last night when thinking up these wonderful ideas, they all sounded great, because you were not thinking clearly and you were drunk. Does any of this sound familiar to you? It sure does to me!
When I was drinking and getting drunker by the minute I thought I could run the world. I thought nothing could get me down. I knew everything and had answer for anything, although those answers were most likely wrong.
Alcohol is a wonderful thing? It make you forget about anything happening in your life, but just for short while until you sober up.
Don't get me wrong, I love alcohol and loved to drink it every single day of the week without missing on day. If by chance I was sick and down in bed, my mind only though about when "will I get better so I can drink again?" That is really a sorry thing to think about when you are down and out with sickness and you are thinking about drinking alcohol and not thinking about getting better and what you can do to get better fast. It was as if someone cut one of my limbs off. That is how addicted you can get when you are missing a day or so without alcohol. Pretty sad right? It is sickening to me now being sober.
I would give a anything to go into a club and have a drink or two and just shoot the breeze with the people at the bar, but I can't do that. One or two drinks wouldn't cut it for me. I would start a fire inside me if I were to have one sip of alcohol.
I know what would happen to me, so that is why I simply don't drink anything. You have to know your body. I know for a fact if I drank one sip of alcohol I would be right back to drinking alcohol every single day of the week. That's why I don't drink and will continue not to drink for the rest of my life. Sad, but true!
I have a friend that has written a book and has a website called "living sober sucks, (but living drunk sucks more)" Those words are so true in my book now. Living sober does indeed SUCK, but I have to do what I have to do in order to save my life and all those that are in my life. Family and friends are far more important to me than any alcohol by far. What is your choice?
I guess it is all what you want in life. To be happy, healthy and sober or just live drunk everyday. Sooner or later the alcohol will indeed catch up with you and you will be the one that suffers in the end.
So what should someone do to keep reality and whatever problem you may have from coming back? Well of course, keep on drinking and keep that drunk on. This is what many people do to escape from reality. They continue to drink each day hoping for things in their life to get better, not knowing that those problems will never go away because you are drinking alcohol.
I used to think, "wow I feel great drinking all this alcohol and I am not worried about a thing." Sure drinking will tend to ease the problem because you simply don't care anymore at that time, until the booze wears off and then reality sets in and Bang, there is your problem you originally had.
Drinking alcohol will sometimes just make matters worse than they are. You sit there drinking your life away coming up with all these stupid ideas that you may think will work to solve this so called problem in your life, and when you sober up and reality sets in again those so called great ideas sound stupid.
Your sober and think to yourself, "how in the world would this idea I had last night being drunk even work?" Although last night when thinking up these wonderful ideas, they all sounded great, because you were not thinking clearly and you were drunk. Does any of this sound familiar to you? It sure does to me!
When I was drinking and getting drunker by the minute I thought I could run the world. I thought nothing could get me down. I knew everything and had answer for anything, although those answers were most likely wrong.
Alcohol is a wonderful thing? It make you forget about anything happening in your life, but just for short while until you sober up.
Don't get me wrong, I love alcohol and loved to drink it every single day of the week without missing on day. If by chance I was sick and down in bed, my mind only though about when "will I get better so I can drink again?" That is really a sorry thing to think about when you are down and out with sickness and you are thinking about drinking alcohol and not thinking about getting better and what you can do to get better fast. It was as if someone cut one of my limbs off. That is how addicted you can get when you are missing a day or so without alcohol. Pretty sad right? It is sickening to me now being sober.
I would give a anything to go into a club and have a drink or two and just shoot the breeze with the people at the bar, but I can't do that. One or two drinks wouldn't cut it for me. I would start a fire inside me if I were to have one sip of alcohol.
I know what would happen to me, so that is why I simply don't drink anything. You have to know your body. I know for a fact if I drank one sip of alcohol I would be right back to drinking alcohol every single day of the week. That's why I don't drink and will continue not to drink for the rest of my life. Sad, but true!
I have a friend that has written a book and has a website called "living sober sucks, (but living drunk sucks more)" Those words are so true in my book now. Living sober does indeed SUCK, but I have to do what I have to do in order to save my life and all those that are in my life. Family and friends are far more important to me than any alcohol by far. What is your choice?
I guess it is all what you want in life. To be happy, healthy and sober or just live drunk everyday. Sooner or later the alcohol will indeed catch up with you and you will be the one that suffers in the end.
Alcohol Addiction And How It Will Effect Your Life And Others
So many people have this huge problem with alcohol addiction. We all need to really sit down and think of our alcohol addiction and how it will effect your life and others in the future and right as of today.
We get so involved in our addiction to alcohol and we tend to forget about our life and what our addiction is doing to others that care and love us so.
The more we drink and abuse alcohol the more we are getting addicted. I know from my experience of drinking alcohol, that as each week passed by I needed more and more to get to that point of being satisfied with the buzz I was out to achieve.
We tend to get blinded by our own addiction. We think more of alcohol than our own life and others that are being effected by what we are doing.
Do you think you are just a social drinker or do you think deep down inside you may have an alcohol addiction?
- Do you try to hide your alcohol and pretend you don't drink as much as others think?
- Are you ashamed or feel guilty by your drinking habits?
- Does your family or friends worry or say things regarding your drinking?
- Do you need to have alcohol in order to get through each day?
- Do you drink alcohol in order to relax?
- Do you disagree with what others say to you regarding your alcohol intake?
- You never know when to stop drinking.
- You think of alcohol, and when you can have your first drink of the day as soon as you wake up.
- You drink alcohol alone.
- You are embarrassed of your addiction.
- And you live in denial, thinking there is nothing wrong whatsoever by what you do.
- You use alcohol to try and solve problems.
- You relationships are falling apart, but you do nothing to stop drinking.
- You refuse to attend a function that alcohol would not be served.
- Continue to have trouble with the law (DUI) etc.
- You make any excuse to drink alcohol.
If you think you may have a problem with your drinking, then really consider making a life change and seek living life clean and sober. Believe me, lots of your drinking buddies will say something to you about your decision to quit drinking alcohol, but never let that stands in your way of sobriety.
Let them continue to kill themselves as your life begins to improve and you get healthy and happier as each day passes. You will never regret living a life of sobriety. As I said many times before, "all of us here on Earth have but one life to live," so why would we shorten that one life with an avoidable addiction to alcohol?
One thing I have learned that helped me get sober and stay sober is having a positive attitude. It has changed my life in more ways than one. You need to continue to tell yourself that you Can and Will get and stay sober. No negative thoughts whatsoever, and that means anything you do in life, not just getting sober.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
How To Help An Alcoholic Quit Drinking
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There are so many families that have one or even two people (husbands and wives) that are are addicted to alcohol. In many cases that I know of, and one case was my past addiction to alcohol that my wife wanted to help me try and quit drinking alcohol, but anything she said, I just wouldn't listen because I thought she didn't know what she was talking about. After all, in my mind, I had no problem whatsoever with my alcohol, and how much I drank of it. I guess I was living in denial for sure.
That being said, there are, I am sure, millions of families going through the same thing as I did. The spouse wants in the worse way to know how to help an alcoholic quit drinking, but doesn't know the right way to go about it without getting into a huge argument with the alcoholic.
It is like walking on eggshells in a sense. You want to help the alcoholic, but worry at the same time that you my light a fuse and make things worse than they really are. Some spouses just say nothing and deal with the tortures the alcoholic puts them through, until one day, they just have had enough.
That is when things could get ugly in a sense, because they have been holding back saying to the alcoholic what they really think and feel. They just want to help the alcoholic get sober again and remain sober, but in many cases lost for words. And suddenly they start to spurt out everything they have been holding back for so long.
Sometimes arguments and fights may start because the alcoholic knows the truth deep down, but they still don't want to be helped. They may say, (as I did) "I can stop drinking alcohol anytime I wish." Well you know, as well as I know that is a false statement, at least for me it was.
Sometimes the alcoholic needs to be threatened, such as the spouse threatening to leave and not come back until things in the alcoholics life changes for the better. Sometimes, as hard as it might be to do, you need to light a fire under the alcoholics butt and let them know you mean business in every word you speak.
Many times this will work and make the alcoholic think twice before drinking another alcoholic drink. It worked for me that's for sure. Those words, "I WILL LEAVE YOU IF YOU DON'T STOP DRINKING!"
Words such as those are not to hurt the alcoholic, they are to help them. Those words of meaning business may save the marriage or relationship and will in turn save the alcoholics life. Tough love as they call it!
I guess the whole thing here is, if the alcoholic truly loves their spouse, parents or relationship enough, they will stop drinking alcohol and start their recovery process towards long term sobriety. That is what will make the difference of continuing to drink or quitting drinking. Love, and what is more important in their life. Their spouses, families and friends or alcohol? It is not a hard decision to make!
If you really want your spouse to get sober and stay sober try sitting down with him/her while they are sober, (with no alcohol in them) and try to explain in a calm way what they are doing to them self and how their drinking is effecting the family and friends they have.
The alcoholic has to know this unless they are totally blind to the whole situation. I knew and agreed that every word spoken was correct, BUT when a alcoholic lives in denial it might be a bit hard to convince them to stop drinking.
The alcoholic has to be ready to change his/her life on their own and not be forced or threatened into sobriety, because if the alcoholic is not ready, no matter what you say will make a difference. I can relate, because I had those talks many times and might of stopped drinking for short time to let the fire burn out and then, bang, right back at my old habits.
In the case of my 2009 experience drinking my beer in the garage all alone, a voice came into my head and it was a voice that changed my life forever. While the talks I had with my wife helped me understand what I was doing to the family and myself, the voice that came about me convinced me I had to get sober and to do it at that moment.
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Stand up to your addiction and save your own life. Your life is worth a second chance, so give it to yourself. You will never be sorry you made the decision to quit drinking alcohol!
Signs Of An Alcoholic
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Millions of people in the world drink alcohol. Some can handle it and then there are those that can not handle alcohol whatsoever.
Many of those that can't handle alcohol may often ask themselves."what are signs of an alcoholic?" Am I an alcoholic or just someone that loves drinking?
From my past experiences of my addiction to alcohol, I can honestly say when I asked that same question to myself, it was YES indeed, I was an alcoholic. I knew deep down inside of me that I was, but did I think others thought the same about me?
I can assure you they thought I had a drinking problem. Many would not come right out and say it to me, but hearing the way they spoke to me I knew they knew something was up and just didn't want to come right out and say it to me.
If you said No it is not worth it, then are you going to do something about it or just continue to drink your life away?
Believe me once the demons get hold of your body it will get harder and harder to get out of your addiction to alcohol. Don't let that happen. Nip it in the bud before it is too late!
I know you might think, "how can I live without alcohol in my life when I have been so used to having it be a huge part of your life?"
Trust me, you can live without alcohol. You will see a new you my friends! Your spouse, family and friends will see a new you, and you will be so proud of yourself when you finally stop drinking alcohol forever.
You will start to feel back to your old self. Your appearance will not look like you are an alcoholic anymore. Your health will improve each and everyday. You will regain your self-esteem and start living with a positive attitude, and not be so down on yourself because of your addiction. You know how alcoholic may say, Why Me? why doesn't anything go right in my life?
To tell you the truth, nothing will go right in your life unless you do something to change it. You have to help yourself before anyone or anything can help you. If you are not willing to make that change and make something out of your life, then I guess you will continue to be a lonely alcoholic for the rest of your life.
You will start to lose things, one at a time, and before you know it, you will then hit rock bottom. Speaking of rock bottom, sometimes it takes an alcoholic to hit rock bottom before he/she does something to change his/her life. Don't Let This Happen To You!
Why Is It So Hard To Stop Drinking Alcohol
There are millions of people in the world that drink alcohol. Some can handle their alcohol and then there are some that just get addicted and wind up abusing alcohol.
For those that got addicted to the booze and want to stop drinking often ask them self, "why is it so hard to stop drinking alcohol?"
I know for a fact, trying to stop drinking alcohol is a very hard thing to overcome since you have been drinking and abusing it for so long. Somewhere deep down inside us (the alcoholic) wants to live a life of sobriety, but the alcohol that has been in our life for so long wants no part of leaving our bodies. The demons are settled in us, and very content as long as we feed them the daily dose of alcohol.
But, watch out if we decide to slow down or simply stop drinking all together. That would really piss off the demons inside each alcoholic, and they will put your body through the tortures of hell. We all know how we feel if we stop drinking. I know that I felt like crap for sometime, but I keep telling myself that I can and will beat this addiction to alcohol I have.
Any alcoholic can do the same if that is what you want in your life. Many alcoholics are very content with drinking alcohol everyday of their lives and don't care what the consequences will be in the future.
If you truly love yourself, you will not put your body through this painful thing we call alcohol addiction. You can stop drinking if you want to! You are the one that is in full control of the one and only body you have.
Give your life a second chance and just try to stop drinking and see how your life will begin to turn around as mine did back in 2009.
A would recommend highly to seek Professional Help if you do decide to stop drinking. You have to detox the right and safe way. It will be very dangerous if you try to stop drinking on your own as I did. I made up my mind to quit drinking back in October 2009 and simply went cold turkey. Yes I was scared to death for things I heard about going cold turkey and the dangers of doing so.
I took upon my own to do it anyway regardless of the outcome. Why, because I was afraid to go to any Doctor or Rehab. Center for the worry of what they may say to me regarding my long relationship with alcohol. I even thought to myself, "it just might too late to heal my body and live a sober life."
With that said, I chose to go Cold Turkey anyway. I took a huge change and worried every minute of the day and night, wondering if something horrible was going to happen to me. Will I get sick by not detoxing the correct and safe way? I was a nervous wreck I must say.
Once I made it through the first week or so without a drink, and my nerves started to get a little better, I knew I could make it and change my life.
So Lets Get Back To The Main Question Of Why Is It So Hard For You To Stop Drinking Alcohol?
- Is it that you are simply not ready to stop drinking?
- Is it that you don't know how you will survive without alcohol in your body?
- Is it that you feel that your drinking friends will look down at you because you stopped drinking?
- Is it that you feel you would have no more fun at parties or any kind of functions?
- What is stopping you from changing your life?
- There must be something holding you back from living a life of sobriety.
- You must know the answer of why it is so hard to quit drinking.
- Are you simply afraid of living clean and sober because you have been drinking for so long?
The only thing holding you back from sobriety is, you and you alone. You make the call my friends. I guess it depends on whether or not you wish to live or die.
Does that word DIE frighten you? It should. We all were given a gift of life and many of us chose to ruin the one and only life we have with the addiction to alcohol and drugs.
Life is precious and we should start to cherish our life a little more than we do. Get sober and get healthy again. Live the life you were given in a clean and sober way, and stop making excuses of why it is so hard to quit drinking.
Put your mind to it and it will happen. Think positive and act positive and you will see results, and that includes anything in life. Negativity will get you nowhere in life, but pure depression.
It is not hard to stop drinking. I did it and so can you! The only way to stop drinking alcohol is to JUST STOP! It is that simple. Now, make up your mind to get sober and do it. Time is wasting away, and your life clock is ticking away as you hesitate on getting sober and finding your sobriety.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Making Peace With Yourself After An Addiction To Alcohol
Making peace with yourself after an addiction to alcohol was harder than I thought.
When I stopped drinking alcohol in October of 2009, I never thought that my earlier addiction to alcohol would haunt me for many years to come.
It was a very hard decision to stop drinking alcohol, because my entire life revolved around alcohol for so many years. Alcohol ran my life and included in that, were the people that loved and cared for me.
I never realized how I hurt them with all those years of my drinking, but now being sober, I now know that you and I could destroy the lives of your own flesh and blood and we would never even realize it. That is so sad to me now thinking back at those horrible days of my addiction to alcohol.
None of us ever think about others in our life that we are hurting, while we are so much in denial, and don't even think for a moment that we have an alcohol problem.
You know, you or I can not turn back the hands of time and make things better of what we messed up over the years of alcohol abuse, but we can fix our life now and make things better for ourselves and the ones that loved and cared for us while we abused our lives.
If you happen to have an addiction to alcohol or drugs, just stop and think for a moment and look around you and see with your own eyes what you are doing to others. They don't deserve to go through the hell you are putting them through by your habit of drinking your life away.
They don't deserve being pulled down to rock bottom along with you. This is what bothers me the most. I put many people, such as my parents, my spouse Linda (of 32 years) and my children through hell. They saw their husband and father drink every night of the week, and they got to the point when they were older, that they were embarrassed of my life style and they way I acted and talked when getting that buzz and drunk on.
Abusing alcohol, and being so selfish can, and will destroy families sooner or later if you and I don't do something to change it. We, the alcoholics are the only ones that can make things right in our life and make the lives of those that love us right.
Please don't get me wrong, I have nothing against drinking alcohol at all. I loved alcohol just as much or ever more than the next person, but I was one of those guys that never knew when enough was enough. More, more I would say to myself until I got that drunk on that I was so used to having. In the meantime, it took more and more alcohol to get to that point that I was satisfied.
So getting back to my earlier statement, I never knew how my alcohol addiction would haunt me for years to come, meaning, yes I got sober, but I did ruin many things along the way to my sobriety and I felt, and still feel ashamed and upset of my past lifestyle. But, I have made it right now, and with that said, I am proud of myself and happy my family stood by my side through all the hell I put them through.
It is my turn to help others now understand that if you have an addiction of any kind, never give up hope. You can change your life. All you have to do is to DO IT!
I still, to this day, feel bad for what I caused my family and friends to have to go through while I was having a great time drinking my life away. I remember the arguments and fights (verbal - never physical) over my abuse of alcohol and what I was doing to myself.
So many times I was told to stop drinking, or least slow down. I just let those words go in one ear and out the other. You know what I am talking about, I am sure of it. None of us alcoholics what to hear the true because, WE CAN'T handle the truth. And why is that? Because we all live in DENIAL, that is why. We don't think for a minute that we have a drinking problem, and the people that tell us we do, don't know what they are talking about. Does any of this sound familiar to you?
Once you own up and admit you are an alcoholic, and want to stop drinking alcohol, is when you will start to feel peace in your life. You will not have your demons running your life anymore. You will feel FREE and at peace with yourself, and at that time you will begin to have peace in your family life as well. Those that you hurt along the way while you were drinking and abusing alcohol will feel that peace in their life too, and will be so happy and proud that you took action and changed your life as I did.
It is the time to make things right in your life, and the people that are in your life. They too will feel that sense of peace as well when they see that person that they love and care for being clean and sober and getting their life back on track. In that case, everyone involved will be getting their lives back on track.
It is then you will feel the peace in your life, that you let your demons go and are now living a sober life.
You will start to see how your appearance will improve and will start to feel so much better, physically and mentally. You beat your demons, and now it is time to take care of yourself and others in your life. Before, all we thought about is to feed our demons and give them the alcohol they needed to thrive in our bodies. Bye bye demons, you will no longer run and try to ruin my life for not one more second.
This is what you have to think about and tell yourself in order to make that huge change in your life. Sobriety will not just come to you. It will take hard work to get sober and then stay sober forever, but once you make that life change and stick to it, you will be so proud of yourself that you won the battle between you and your inner demons.
Don't get me wrong, it will be a battle for the rest of your life to stay sober. Your demons will be hanging out in your body just waiting for you to mess up and start drinking alcohol again. They will never go away. It is up to you to keep them where they belong, and where they belong is NOT IN YOUR LIFE anymore.
So, if you want that peace in your life and continue to have that peace, DON"T ever give in to the demons of alcohol no matter what happens in your life from now on. There will be urges, craving for the rest of your life, but never give in, NEVER!
No ones life is a bed of roses. There will always be something that will come up that will upset you, or you may have a sickness in the family, or financial problems, but whatever pops up in your life, never give in and turn back to drinking alcohol, because it will NOT solve anything!
Stand strong and keep that positive attitude at all times in your life and you will see how being strong and positive will help you stay sober.
The past is the past and now it is time to make things right for you and yours. Get sober, and stay that way, and you will see what a great life awaits you and yours.
When I stopped drinking alcohol in October of 2009, I never thought that my earlier addiction to alcohol would haunt me for many years to come.
It was a very hard decision to stop drinking alcohol, because my entire life revolved around alcohol for so many years. Alcohol ran my life and included in that, were the people that loved and cared for me.
I never realized how I hurt them with all those years of my drinking, but now being sober, I now know that you and I could destroy the lives of your own flesh and blood and we would never even realize it. That is so sad to me now thinking back at those horrible days of my addiction to alcohol.
None of us ever think about others in our life that we are hurting, while we are so much in denial, and don't even think for a moment that we have an alcohol problem.
You know, you or I can not turn back the hands of time and make things better of what we messed up over the years of alcohol abuse, but we can fix our life now and make things better for ourselves and the ones that loved and cared for us while we abused our lives.
If you happen to have an addiction to alcohol or drugs, just stop and think for a moment and look around you and see with your own eyes what you are doing to others. They don't deserve to go through the hell you are putting them through by your habit of drinking your life away.
They don't deserve being pulled down to rock bottom along with you. This is what bothers me the most. I put many people, such as my parents, my spouse Linda (of 32 years) and my children through hell. They saw their husband and father drink every night of the week, and they got to the point when they were older, that they were embarrassed of my life style and they way I acted and talked when getting that buzz and drunk on.
Abusing alcohol, and being so selfish can, and will destroy families sooner or later if you and I don't do something to change it. We, the alcoholics are the only ones that can make things right in our life and make the lives of those that love us right.
Please don't get me wrong, I have nothing against drinking alcohol at all. I loved alcohol just as much or ever more than the next person, but I was one of those guys that never knew when enough was enough. More, more I would say to myself until I got that drunk on that I was so used to having. In the meantime, it took more and more alcohol to get to that point that I was satisfied.
So getting back to my earlier statement, I never knew how my alcohol addiction would haunt me for years to come, meaning, yes I got sober, but I did ruin many things along the way to my sobriety and I felt, and still feel ashamed and upset of my past lifestyle. But, I have made it right now, and with that said, I am proud of myself and happy my family stood by my side through all the hell I put them through.
It is my turn to help others now understand that if you have an addiction of any kind, never give up hope. You can change your life. All you have to do is to DO IT!
I still, to this day, feel bad for what I caused my family and friends to have to go through while I was having a great time drinking my life away. I remember the arguments and fights (verbal - never physical) over my abuse of alcohol and what I was doing to myself.
So many times I was told to stop drinking, or least slow down. I just let those words go in one ear and out the other. You know what I am talking about, I am sure of it. None of us alcoholics what to hear the true because, WE CAN'T handle the truth. And why is that? Because we all live in DENIAL, that is why. We don't think for a minute that we have a drinking problem, and the people that tell us we do, don't know what they are talking about. Does any of this sound familiar to you?
Once you own up and admit you are an alcoholic, and want to stop drinking alcohol, is when you will start to feel peace in your life. You will not have your demons running your life anymore. You will feel FREE and at peace with yourself, and at that time you will begin to have peace in your family life as well. Those that you hurt along the way while you were drinking and abusing alcohol will feel that peace in their life too, and will be so happy and proud that you took action and changed your life as I did.
It is the time to make things right in your life, and the people that are in your life. They too will feel that sense of peace as well when they see that person that they love and care for being clean and sober and getting their life back on track. In that case, everyone involved will be getting their lives back on track.
It is then you will feel the peace in your life, that you let your demons go and are now living a sober life.
You will start to see how your appearance will improve and will start to feel so much better, physically and mentally. You beat your demons, and now it is time to take care of yourself and others in your life. Before, all we thought about is to feed our demons and give them the alcohol they needed to thrive in our bodies. Bye bye demons, you will no longer run and try to ruin my life for not one more second.
This is what you have to think about and tell yourself in order to make that huge change in your life. Sobriety will not just come to you. It will take hard work to get sober and then stay sober forever, but once you make that life change and stick to it, you will be so proud of yourself that you won the battle between you and your inner demons.
Don't get me wrong, it will be a battle for the rest of your life to stay sober. Your demons will be hanging out in your body just waiting for you to mess up and start drinking alcohol again. They will never go away. It is up to you to keep them where they belong, and where they belong is NOT IN YOUR LIFE anymore.
So, if you want that peace in your life and continue to have that peace, DON"T ever give in to the demons of alcohol no matter what happens in your life from now on. There will be urges, craving for the rest of your life, but never give in, NEVER!
No ones life is a bed of roses. There will always be something that will come up that will upset you, or you may have a sickness in the family, or financial problems, but whatever pops up in your life, never give in and turn back to drinking alcohol, because it will NOT solve anything!
Stand strong and keep that positive attitude at all times in your life and you will see how being strong and positive will help you stay sober.
The past is the past and now it is time to make things right for you and yours. Get sober, and stay that way, and you will see what a great life awaits you and yours.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Admitting Your An Alcoholic Is The First Step
There are millions of people all over the world that drink alcohol, but how many of them will admit they have a drinking problem?
Admitting your an alcoholic is the first step towards a new life and a life of sobriety. That's of course if you really want to get sober and live that life of sobriety. I know so many people that really think they have no problem whatsoever with their alcohol consumption. In fact, I was one of those people back almost four years ago.
Denial is a huge thing when it comes to drinking alcohol, drugs or any kind of addiction for that matter. We never think we have a problem, but many people that know you and see you and your actions know better. They can talk to you until they are blue in the face and you will look at them like they have two heads. I know I did when someone approached me and told me I drink too much and I might have a problem.
If we, including myself, just would look at our lives and see which way our life is going, and if you have your eyes wide open and be open mined you will see exactly where you are headed in the future if you continue to drink and abuse alcohol.
If you ignore what you see, and what you have been told by others, then the future will not be a surprise as you look back at those statements, because you were told, and you saw your life through your own eyes, but blew everything off because you were living in denial and never believed a word.
I know for a fact, for me, I knew deep down inside that I have a serious drinking problem, but never wanted to change my life for I was so afraid to be without my alcohol. I was afraid to admit to my family and friends I was a true alcoholic. Although I was a functioning alcoholic, this was one of the reason I thought there was no problem with my drinking.
After all, I never missed work because of those late nights of drinking and never got into fights at bars. I never got a DUI and never arrested for drinking in public or drinking and driving. So I thought to myself, "what seems to be the problem with my drinking?" See, that is how I thought, and I am very sure many alcoholics can relate to these words I speak.
When I speak of the first step admitting your an alcoholic means to get out of your denial you live in and take a good hard look at your life and the lives your are taken down on the way to your rock bottom. Remember you are not only hurting yourself, you are hurting many people that love you and care for you, such as your spouse, children, parents and your friends.
Don't let yourself down or the people that love you. Stand up to your addiction to alcohol and tell your demons goodbye once and for all. You don't need alcohol believe me. Once you have got sober and stay sober you will then realize why in the world was I killing myself when all I had to do is to stop drinking.
Yeah I know, it sounds pretty easy by just writing this, but anyone can stop drinking alcohol anytime you want. The problem is, and the question is, "Do You Really Want To Stop Drinking?"
If you said yes I would love to stop drinking alcohol, then you are on your way to a new life of sobriety. Yes it will be hard and yes it will not be easy by any means, but if you have that determination, the willingness and the desire to change your life it will happen.
You have to make up your mind and just do it and stick to it with no cheating whatsoever. You will need to stay clear from your drinking buddies, the bars and anything that has anything to do with alcohol.
As time goes by you will find it easier and easier to live each day without your crutch, the demons of alcohol.
God Bless to all those that have made it to sobriety and those that are trying so hard to get sober. Never give up hope because your life is full of hope and sobriety is just sitting there for your taken, so go after it and don't look back at your horrible past of addiction.
Stay positive and strong to yourself and never let anyone or anything stand in your way of changing your life and living that one and only life you have, clean and sober.
Admitting your an alcoholic is the first step towards a new life and a life of sobriety. That's of course if you really want to get sober and live that life of sobriety. I know so many people that really think they have no problem whatsoever with their alcohol consumption. In fact, I was one of those people back almost four years ago.
Denial is a huge thing when it comes to drinking alcohol, drugs or any kind of addiction for that matter. We never think we have a problem, but many people that know you and see you and your actions know better. They can talk to you until they are blue in the face and you will look at them like they have two heads. I know I did when someone approached me and told me I drink too much and I might have a problem.
If we, including myself, just would look at our lives and see which way our life is going, and if you have your eyes wide open and be open mined you will see exactly where you are headed in the future if you continue to drink and abuse alcohol.
If you ignore what you see, and what you have been told by others, then the future will not be a surprise as you look back at those statements, because you were told, and you saw your life through your own eyes, but blew everything off because you were living in denial and never believed a word.
I know for a fact, for me, I knew deep down inside that I have a serious drinking problem, but never wanted to change my life for I was so afraid to be without my alcohol. I was afraid to admit to my family and friends I was a true alcoholic. Although I was a functioning alcoholic, this was one of the reason I thought there was no problem with my drinking.
After all, I never missed work because of those late nights of drinking and never got into fights at bars. I never got a DUI and never arrested for drinking in public or drinking and driving. So I thought to myself, "what seems to be the problem with my drinking?" See, that is how I thought, and I am very sure many alcoholics can relate to these words I speak.
When I speak of the first step admitting your an alcoholic means to get out of your denial you live in and take a good hard look at your life and the lives your are taken down on the way to your rock bottom. Remember you are not only hurting yourself, you are hurting many people that love you and care for you, such as your spouse, children, parents and your friends.
Don't let yourself down or the people that love you. Stand up to your addiction to alcohol and tell your demons goodbye once and for all. You don't need alcohol believe me. Once you have got sober and stay sober you will then realize why in the world was I killing myself when all I had to do is to stop drinking.
Yeah I know, it sounds pretty easy by just writing this, but anyone can stop drinking alcohol anytime you want. The problem is, and the question is, "Do You Really Want To Stop Drinking?"
If you said yes I would love to stop drinking alcohol, then you are on your way to a new life of sobriety. Yes it will be hard and yes it will not be easy by any means, but if you have that determination, the willingness and the desire to change your life it will happen.
You have to make up your mind and just do it and stick to it with no cheating whatsoever. You will need to stay clear from your drinking buddies, the bars and anything that has anything to do with alcohol.
As time goes by you will find it easier and easier to live each day without your crutch, the demons of alcohol.
God Bless to all those that have made it to sobriety and those that are trying so hard to get sober. Never give up hope because your life is full of hope and sobriety is just sitting there for your taken, so go after it and don't look back at your horrible past of addiction.
Stay positive and strong to yourself and never let anyone or anything stand in your way of changing your life and living that one and only life you have, clean and sober.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
How To get Your Life Back On Track After Leaving An Alcohol Rehabilitation Center
You have finally taken that step towards a new life and have entered a Rehab. Center for the treatment of your alcohol addiction.
You put your heart into getting well and listened to your counselors every words of advice and wisdom. Now the time comes that you will be released from their care and back you go to the outside world with many temptations from your past and the friends you hung around during those times of drinking and abusing alcohol.
The questions in your mind are how to get your life back on track after leaving an Alcohol Rehabilitation Center?
There are unfortunately many things that you must avoid when entering back into society as a clean and sober person. Some you may not like, but it is a must to listen to those words from your counselors, as they know best for your well being and your long term sobriety.
Number 1 - You just may have to say goodbye to your past drinking buddies for they will try to influence you to start drinking alcohol again. They sure don't like drinking alone without you. Many of them will not support you choice to become clean and sober for jealousy they don't have the willpower or the determination to get sober as you did.
Number 2 - You may need to stay clear of any parties or functions that your family has until you feel comfortable being around alcohol again. (This is what I had to do in the beginning of my recovery)
Number 3 - You MUST stay busy physically and mentally at all times so that your minds doesn't wonder to what you are trying to stay away from which is your past alcohol addiction.
Number 4 - Think of a hobby that you would really enjoy doing and be able to even share this hobby with your family.
Number 5 - Take walks alone or with your spouse or sober friends.
Number 6 - Start a exercise regiment at home or join a gym to be around others that are trying to make their lives better as you are.
National Alcoholism And Substance Abuse INFORMATION CENTER
You put your heart into getting well and listened to your counselors every words of advice and wisdom. Now the time comes that you will be released from their care and back you go to the outside world with many temptations from your past and the friends you hung around during those times of drinking and abusing alcohol.
The questions in your mind are how to get your life back on track after leaving an Alcohol Rehabilitation Center?
There are unfortunately many things that you must avoid when entering back into society as a clean and sober person. Some you may not like, but it is a must to listen to those words from your counselors, as they know best for your well being and your long term sobriety.
Number 1 - You just may have to say goodbye to your past drinking buddies for they will try to influence you to start drinking alcohol again. They sure don't like drinking alone without you. Many of them will not support you choice to become clean and sober for jealousy they don't have the willpower or the determination to get sober as you did.
Number 2 - You may need to stay clear of any parties or functions that your family has until you feel comfortable being around alcohol again. (This is what I had to do in the beginning of my recovery)
Number 3 - You MUST stay busy physically and mentally at all times so that your minds doesn't wonder to what you are trying to stay away from which is your past alcohol addiction.
Number 4 - Think of a hobby that you would really enjoy doing and be able to even share this hobby with your family.
Number 5 - Take walks alone or with your spouse or sober friends.
Number 6 - Start a exercise regiment at home or join a gym to be around others that are trying to make their lives better as you are.
National Alcoholism And Substance Abuse INFORMATION CENTER
When Is it Time to Seek Help And Enter A Rehab.
While we all enjoy our alcoholic drinks, some of us don't know when to quit or don't know when we have had enough of the poison that just may kill us in the end.
When is it time to seek help and enter a Rehabilitation Treatment Center? Many people that have an addiction to alcohol may think they don't need any help whatsoever and they think they can stop drinking alcohol whenever they want.
It isn't that easy my friends. You may think you can stop drinking alcohol, but have you tried to get sober, and stay sober for any length of time?
The time, in my opinion to seek help is:
Can not miss one day without drinking.
Can not go anywhere if alcohol is not being served.
Missing work because of that horrible hangover.
Spending money you don't have to support your addiction.
Fighting and arguing with your family, spouse and friends.
Not remembering what you did the night before.
Blackouts from over drinking.
Appearance of how you are changing week by week.
Weight gain or loss.
Waking up in the morning and the first thing you think of is when you can have that next drink.
I tried this before and it only lasted for a short time and the reason for that was, "I simply wasn't ready to change my life and live a life of sobriety. I am very sure you know exactly what I am talking about.
As for myself, I was one of the few fortunate alcoholics that could stop drinking alcohol on my own. Many alcoholics, or I should say all alcoholics should look into getting themselves admitted into a Rehabilitation Treatment Center for the correct and safe way to detox if they want to get clean and sober.
It can't be that you are forced into going into these Centers, although being forced into being admitted to a Rehab.Center might save your life.
I know alcoholics that went into Rehab. for a month or a 90 day stay, and found themselves staying and being a part of the counseling for others that have been admitted in that same Rehab. Center for the same reasons, being addicted to drugs or alcohol.
It has helped them to stay sober and kept them away from the outside world of addiction, and their friends that are still using and abusing.
They are to this day helping others as they were helped during their stay in Rehab.
The name of the game here is to get yourself sober by entering into a Rehab. Center, and then help others that are suffering from an addiction to drugs and alcohol as you were. Then, spread the word of sobriety to help others realize there is always hope for anyone that had any kind if addiction.
National Alcoholism And Substance Abuse INFORMATION CENTER
If you have an addiction to drugs or alcohol, seek the Professional Help that will get you sober and by doing so in a safe and healthy manner.
You can read more of my articles right here on HubPages.
Here is my eBook right here on Amazon.
When is it time to seek help and enter a Rehabilitation Treatment Center? Many people that have an addiction to alcohol may think they don't need any help whatsoever and they think they can stop drinking alcohol whenever they want.
It isn't that easy my friends. You may think you can stop drinking alcohol, but have you tried to get sober, and stay sober for any length of time?
The time, in my opinion to seek help is:
Can not miss one day without drinking.
Can not go anywhere if alcohol is not being served.
Missing work because of that horrible hangover.
Spending money you don't have to support your addiction.
Fighting and arguing with your family, spouse and friends.
Not remembering what you did the night before.
Blackouts from over drinking.
Appearance of how you are changing week by week.
Weight gain or loss.
Waking up in the morning and the first thing you think of is when you can have that next drink.
I tried this before and it only lasted for a short time and the reason for that was, "I simply wasn't ready to change my life and live a life of sobriety. I am very sure you know exactly what I am talking about.
As for myself, I was one of the few fortunate alcoholics that could stop drinking alcohol on my own. Many alcoholics, or I should say all alcoholics should look into getting themselves admitted into a Rehabilitation Treatment Center for the correct and safe way to detox if they want to get clean and sober.
It can't be that you are forced into going into these Centers, although being forced into being admitted to a Rehab.Center might save your life.
I know alcoholics that went into Rehab. for a month or a 90 day stay, and found themselves staying and being a part of the counseling for others that have been admitted in that same Rehab. Center for the same reasons, being addicted to drugs or alcohol.
It has helped them to stay sober and kept them away from the outside world of addiction, and their friends that are still using and abusing.
They are to this day helping others as they were helped during their stay in Rehab.
The name of the game here is to get yourself sober by entering into a Rehab. Center, and then help others that are suffering from an addiction to drugs and alcohol as you were. Then, spread the word of sobriety to help others realize there is always hope for anyone that had any kind if addiction.
National Alcoholism And Substance Abuse INFORMATION CENTER
If you have an addiction to drugs or alcohol, seek the Professional Help that will get you sober and by doing so in a safe and healthy manner.
You can read more of my articles right here on HubPages.
Here is my eBook right here on Amazon.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Stop Drinking Alcohol And Get Out Of Denial
Most people I know, including myself, that are addicted to alcohol live their life in denial. For me, I never thought for a moment that I had an addiction to alcohol although many people thought differently.
If you have a drinking problem, and abuse alcohol like so many people do, you have to stop drinking alcohol and get out of denial.
I truly believe that denial is what holds us back from getting sober and living a life of sobriety. So many people I know, (and that includes me) thing there is nothing wrong with how much they drink. They think that having a 12 pack or so each night is no problem at all. The reason they think this is because that 12 pack that they built up in their system over time has no effect on their personality or the way they act after drinking that much. Little do they know right? I have people tell me, "I will video you while you have 12 or so beers in you, and will show you when you are sober."
I know people that drink way more than a 12 pack in one night, believe me, and they think nothing of it. They are so used to having all that alcohol that their bodies just get used to it, but the problem is they want more and more to get that buzz that they had drinking that 12 pack.
You build up that tolerance, and your body just needs more alcohol, and if you don't give your body, (and your demons) what they need you are one miserable person. Such as, running out of alcohol just as you are getting that great buzz and drunk on.
So the first thing you must do is to admit that you have a drinking problem, and you just could be an alcoholic. Then you need to get yourself out of the denial you have been living in for so long and take that first step towards sobriety, just like I did in 2009.
A positive attitude is required to even start on your road to recovery. Without having a positive attitude you will get nowhere fast. Negativity will hold you back for sure. You can't tell yourself, "Oh, I don't know if I can get and stay sober." That is the wrong attitude to have if you want to change your life and live your life sober.
Here is my Ebook called My Life Of Alcohol Addiction.
There are hundreds of other articles I have written on HubPages in regards to addiction to alcohol, living a happy and simple life, positive attitudes and much more.
If you have a drinking problem, and abuse alcohol like so many people do, you have to stop drinking alcohol and get out of denial.
I truly believe that denial is what holds us back from getting sober and living a life of sobriety. So many people I know, (and that includes me) thing there is nothing wrong with how much they drink. They think that having a 12 pack or so each night is no problem at all. The reason they think this is because that 12 pack that they built up in their system over time has no effect on their personality or the way they act after drinking that much. Little do they know right? I have people tell me, "I will video you while you have 12 or so beers in you, and will show you when you are sober."
I know people that drink way more than a 12 pack in one night, believe me, and they think nothing of it. They are so used to having all that alcohol that their bodies just get used to it, but the problem is they want more and more to get that buzz that they had drinking that 12 pack.
You build up that tolerance, and your body just needs more alcohol, and if you don't give your body, (and your demons) what they need you are one miserable person. Such as, running out of alcohol just as you are getting that great buzz and drunk on.
So the first thing you must do is to admit that you have a drinking problem, and you just could be an alcoholic. Then you need to get yourself out of the denial you have been living in for so long and take that first step towards sobriety, just like I did in 2009.
A positive attitude is required to even start on your road to recovery. Without having a positive attitude you will get nowhere fast. Negativity will hold you back for sure. You can't tell yourself, "Oh, I don't know if I can get and stay sober." That is the wrong attitude to have if you want to change your life and live your life sober.
Here is my Ebook called My Life Of Alcohol Addiction.
There are hundreds of other articles I have written on HubPages in regards to addiction to alcohol, living a happy and simple life, positive attitudes and much more.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Will Sobriety Change My Life?
For all those folks that are addicted to alcohol often may ask themselves, "will sobriety change my life" and I am here to tell you that sobriety will certainly change your life in a awesome way that would you would never even realize.
The only way to find out just how sobriety changes lives, is to go for it, and get sober once and for all. You have nothing to lose when trying this awesome new lifestyle. You will be surprised just life changes when you are clean and sober.
I thought about the idea to get sober a few times in my drinking days, but I thought what the heck, it is probably too late to make that change in my life since I have been drinking alcohol for so many years and the damage is done so why even try?
I was dead wrong in that theory of mind, because in October of 2009 I made that huge decision to try and get and stay sober hopefully for the last time. I made my mind up and picked my sober date and stuck by that day, which I might add was the day I made my mind up to get sober forever.
I thought, why wait and prolong my sobriety. If I was ready to get sober then lets just start NOW and not wait a minute longer. That made more sense than saying, "I think I will wait until Monday after the weekend is over and I can get plastered just that one more time."
You know as well as I know that wouldn't work, because that would lead to the next weekend and so on. I had to be sincere and honest with myself and not let anything change my mind to get and stay sober on that day I chose to stop drinking alcohol.
If you are struggling with an addiction to alcohol you need to try your hardest to get away from those demons that are ruining your life, and other lives as well.
Make up your mind once and for all and don't back down for anything. Sure, sobriety is going to be a tough thing to achieve, but in the end, your life will be wonderful as mine is right now, writing article after article in hopes that just one article will touch someones life, and they too can find long term sobriety as I did.
Nothing good in life is easy. It takes hard work to make it happen as staying sober will be hard work as well, but worth every bit of work and sweat. In the long run you will be proud of yourself and those that love and care for you will be just as proud or even more proud. You will save your own life by just surrendering to your demons once and for all.
Never think for a minute that sobriety will come to you, you have to go after sobriety full force and not stop until you have achieved long term sobriety. It can be done by anyone if that is truly what you want in your life. To be able to live the clean life and live a happy and healthy life as well.
Visit my articles on Hubpages for more info on getting and staying sober, and how to live a happy and simple life and so much more.
The only way to find out just how sobriety changes lives, is to go for it, and get sober once and for all. You have nothing to lose when trying this awesome new lifestyle. You will be surprised just life changes when you are clean and sober.
I thought about the idea to get sober a few times in my drinking days, but I thought what the heck, it is probably too late to make that change in my life since I have been drinking alcohol for so many years and the damage is done so why even try?
I was dead wrong in that theory of mind, because in October of 2009 I made that huge decision to try and get and stay sober hopefully for the last time. I made my mind up and picked my sober date and stuck by that day, which I might add was the day I made my mind up to get sober forever.
I thought, why wait and prolong my sobriety. If I was ready to get sober then lets just start NOW and not wait a minute longer. That made more sense than saying, "I think I will wait until Monday after the weekend is over and I can get plastered just that one more time."
You know as well as I know that wouldn't work, because that would lead to the next weekend and so on. I had to be sincere and honest with myself and not let anything change my mind to get and stay sober on that day I chose to stop drinking alcohol.
If you are struggling with an addiction to alcohol you need to try your hardest to get away from those demons that are ruining your life, and other lives as well.
Make up your mind once and for all and don't back down for anything. Sure, sobriety is going to be a tough thing to achieve, but in the end, your life will be wonderful as mine is right now, writing article after article in hopes that just one article will touch someones life, and they too can find long term sobriety as I did.
Nothing good in life is easy. It takes hard work to make it happen as staying sober will be hard work as well, but worth every bit of work and sweat. In the long run you will be proud of yourself and those that love and care for you will be just as proud or even more proud. You will save your own life by just surrendering to your demons once and for all.
Never think for a minute that sobriety will come to you, you have to go after sobriety full force and not stop until you have achieved long term sobriety. It can be done by anyone if that is truly what you want in your life. To be able to live the clean life and live a happy and healthy life as well.
Visit my articles on Hubpages for more info on getting and staying sober, and how to live a happy and simple life and so much more.
How To Have The Willpower To Say No To Alcohol
Willpower is a huge word that many people that are addicted to alcohol do not have. How to have the willpower to say to alcohol is a huge thing for many people that have a drinking problem.
I can relate to those words so very well. You know when you don't know when enough is enough when it come to your alcohol intake. Some of us just don't know when to say, "I have had enough."
Yep I was one of those guys that it was never enough until I got that buzz I was looking for and as we all know, it takes more and more alcohol to achieve the buzz or drunk you had the last time.
Having the willpower to say NO is really rough, because you and I might think we will miss out on something if we stop drinking half way through the night, right? The only thing we would miss out on is having a bigger hangover the next morning!
I am one of those people that CAN NOT have one or two drinks and call it the night like many people can. I wish I could, but that will never happen. So, the only way to stay sober for me is, "NOT TO EVER DRINK again."
Keep that Positive Attitude in everything in life, and it will help you say NO To Alcohol. Stay Strong and never let anything or anyone stand in your way of your Sobriety.
I can relate to those words so very well. You know when you don't know when enough is enough when it come to your alcohol intake. Some of us just don't know when to say, "I have had enough."
Yep I was one of those guys that it was never enough until I got that buzz I was looking for and as we all know, it takes more and more alcohol to achieve the buzz or drunk you had the last time.
Having the willpower to say NO is really rough, because you and I might think we will miss out on something if we stop drinking half way through the night, right? The only thing we would miss out on is having a bigger hangover the next morning!
- I remember what it was like when I drank and abused alcohol.
- I remember how I hurt the ones that loved me and cared for me.
- I remember the money spent to get my fix for the day even though I didn't have it to spend.
- I remember the mornings I felt like shit, but knew I had to get up and go to work.
- I remember the awful things I would say being drunk, but never meant them.
- I remember how I would hide and drink alone because no one wanted to be around me drinking.
- I remember not wanting to go anywhere that alcohol wasn't being served.
I am one of those people that CAN NOT have one or two drinks and call it the night like many people can. I wish I could, but that will never happen. So, the only way to stay sober for me is, "NOT TO EVER DRINK again."
Keep that Positive Attitude in everything in life, and it will help you say NO To Alcohol. Stay Strong and never let anything or anyone stand in your way of your Sobriety.
The Best Things In Life Are Not Things
Material things, what many people in the world think are the best in life. I have nothing against the finest things in life, but the best things in life are not things by no means. This is of course is my own opinion.
Ever since I got sober in October of 2009 I realized that life itself is the best thing in life, and not having expensive material things. Many may call me crazy for not wanting the best of things in life, but I have learned that material things don't make me a happy person and they may not make you happy either if you really think about it.
In my opinion, the best thing in life is to live my life clean and sober. That is what makes me a happy person, knowing that I have beat the inner demons that took control of my life for so many years.
Just stop and look around you a see what life has to offer you such as a beautiful sunrise or that breathe taking sunset in which there is not one the same. I go to the bay each night and watch the sunset and take that photo that will only be one of it's kind. That in my opinion is worth everything in life. To see what God has made, and to enjoy that breathe taking views even if it is for a few minutes.
These imagines are something that money cannot ever buy. So see, money can't buy everything right?
I usually write about alcohol addiction and the ways I was able to get clean and sober using my positive attitude and the strong will within to make it happen, but in this article I just wanted to point out that there is more to life than having the best of everything and using material things to make you happy.

These sites that God has created are (entirely free) and we all take them for granted, in my opinion, at least I did when I drank.
Stop for a moment each day and look into the sky for that breathe taking site. It takes only a second of your day.
As far as myself, when I drank alcohol these things were not important. I did see them, but never really thought about how beautiful life was, because alcohol was more important at that time, sorry to say.
The main thing I am trying to say is not to take everything for granted in life. I found that living with sobriety in my life, my life has become the best ever. I have everything I once wanted, but couldn't not achieve because of my addiction to alcohol.
Alcohol held me back in many ways, meaning I knew what I wanted in life, but could not achieve them due to putting my addiction to alcohol before all else.
Check out my Ebook called " My Life Of Alcohol Addiction."
You can read more of my articles on life itself, being happy and being addicted to alcohol on HubPages
Ever since I got sober in October of 2009 I realized that life itself is the best thing in life, and not having expensive material things. Many may call me crazy for not wanting the best of things in life, but I have learned that material things don't make me a happy person and they may not make you happy either if you really think about it.
In my opinion, the best thing in life is to live my life clean and sober. That is what makes me a happy person, knowing that I have beat the inner demons that took control of my life for so many years.
Just stop and look around you a see what life has to offer you such as a beautiful sunrise or that breathe taking sunset in which there is not one the same. I go to the bay each night and watch the sunset and take that photo that will only be one of it's kind. That in my opinion is worth everything in life. To see what God has made, and to enjoy that breathe taking views even if it is for a few minutes.
These imagines are something that money cannot ever buy. So see, money can't buy everything right?
I usually write about alcohol addiction and the ways I was able to get clean and sober using my positive attitude and the strong will within to make it happen, but in this article I just wanted to point out that there is more to life than having the best of everything and using material things to make you happy.

These sites that God has created are (entirely free) and we all take them for granted, in my opinion, at least I did when I drank.
Stop for a moment each day and look into the sky for that breathe taking site. It takes only a second of your day.
As far as myself, when I drank alcohol these things were not important. I did see them, but never really thought about how beautiful life was, because alcohol was more important at that time, sorry to say.
The main thing I am trying to say is not to take everything for granted in life. I found that living with sobriety in my life, my life has become the best ever. I have everything I once wanted, but couldn't not achieve because of my addiction to alcohol.
Alcohol held me back in many ways, meaning I knew what I wanted in life, but could not achieve them due to putting my addiction to alcohol before all else.
Check out my Ebook called " My Life Of Alcohol Addiction."
You can read more of my articles on life itself, being happy and being addicted to alcohol on HubPages
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